Once upon a time in an ocean so far away, There was a spiky puffer fish named Josh, who loved eating other fish. Then one day, a diver came by and stole the puffer fish from his freaking cool reef. The diver took him back to his dentist office, and thats where he met Gill, Bloat, Gurgle, Peach, Deb (and Flo), Jacques, Bubbles, and Chuckles in divers fish tank. Gill Often told stories of a fish named Nemo and how his Father came to save him. Many Months went by and Josh ( aka Liberty spikes, as he was christened by Mount wannahawkalugee) Allways dreamed of being saved by a human girl. Well one cold morning the dentist was home sick and a girl named MIssy broke in and saved the puffer fish from the office. When she finally got home with josh she made him up a nice tank and fed him lots of fish. Josh and Missy lived happily ever after <3
Unknown "Darth Snuggles" Playful
- 17 years, 2 months, 10 days ago