okie dokie. My internet is still holding out, so its tale time. :)
I am in lovely Reno, Nevada. Where it happens to be freezing cold. Literally. And for the girl that gets cold in weather below 65, 17 degrees is pushing it. Over a cliff...
And, I have no computer. So I liberated the iPhone a while ago.... XD
Its kinda hard to type... Heh.
So anyway. Im staying at my Aunt Korris house, with my dad, stepmom, brother and sister. 4 kids under 5. Yay..?
it was fun todaythough... (damn. It won't let me go back and add a space. :/)
I ended up babysitting my sister and my cousin Ali, who are both 2, and who were both sleeping.
to make a long story short (even though its not long, thsts just fun to say...), i watched Madagascar (awsomeeeee movie, rofl) and ate cheezits. (edit: i also pretty much molested a raindeer. Its sooooooo cute though. ^-^
Im losing my mind typing tjis.... See? I cant even spell.
time tp use the ipod part of this phone. -wave-
No pictures, cause i dont think i could figure that out.
Unknown "Squeaky Cake" Carefree
- 17 years, 2 months, 29 days ago