Well I'm Old (58) and work for a living. I work for the state at the local university. A state job is not what its cracked up to be. In this recession we are the first ones to be denied raises, in fact the state is always freezing raises. Oh, only the professors get raises or make a decent wage.
Well, enough of the dark side of life. The bright side is grandchildren. I have only one but she is perfect. She will be 5 soon and she is so smart. She says the cutest things and really makes you see things from a different perspective. She is a wizz on the computer. We only recently let her start playing on it and she has figured out how to find Disney Princesses in less than a minute. I only have to show her once and she has it down pat. She was going to be a ballerina princess when she grew up, but this week she is thinking about giving up the princess job.
grandgodmom "Mom" Abused
- 15 years, 11 months, 26 days ago