so once there was this very small and timid creature. she lived with her mom, and rather smallish and timid creature herself, her grandma, a largish not so timid but not so brave creature, and with her grandfather, a large and very feirce animal. the grand father animal was a mean and old animal.(he had always been mean, that was just his nature) and he would yell and the women animals, and even sometimes he would hurt them. one day the grandfather animal took all there money and the could no longer live in the house they had been living in. so the mommy animal, the grandma animal, and the small and timid animal all left to go and see there aunt and uncle in the next town over. they felt they would be safe from the granfather animal. little did they know that one of the uncle creatures there would be even feircer and scaryer than the grandfather animal.
- 17 years, 1 month, 6 days ago