So it's been a while since you spent some time with your favorite delinquent feline Haz-man (aka Harry Highpants). So, this happened a few weeks ago but is still a great tale of the type of heroics you will come to expect from the Haz-man. My ex tracked me down (insert creepy body shiver here, this ex stalks me amongst other things) and while at my front door asked if he could pick up the wearer of the high pantaloons. I said 'sure, knock yourself out'. So the ex picks up the pants, The pants grabs the ex's face with both his paws, claws dug in deep, and proceeds to bite the ex's face. The ex quickly drops the pants and swears profusely. I reward the pants with a big bowl of twisties for his troubles. Now if that's not a hero then I'm sorry Superman I just don't get your religion..... Riddle me this batman.......Shouldn't there be a shorter word for monosyllabic ?
Unknown "Mel" Cheeky
- 17 years, 18 days ago
So this is the first installment in what is sure to be the world wide phenomenon "The highs and lows of living with Harry Highpants". Just a little background, I live with my cat, his name is Harold A Highpants. Harry goes by many names and has many moods and faces but deep down I like to believe he is simply misunderstood. As this is your first encounter with the wearer of the high pants I'll ease you in and regale you with his "I'm hungry adventure". The Pants decided he needed to eat, not just anything, the pants needed to eat twisties. Now the twisties are kept in the cupboard which to other cats means they're off limits but not for the pants, he opened the cupboard (Side note I will get a vid of this to prove my wild and crazed allegations) removed the twisties, OPENED the packed (No word of a lie) and ate half the darn pack!!!! Well, now that I've gotten that pent up frustration off my chest I'll leave you with this thought....... What if the hokey pokey is what it's all about..?........
Unknown "Mel" Cheeky
- 17 years, 29 days ago