Having HOLIDAYS has got to be one of the better things in life considering I have not had one in 8 years, I have worked for this company as a Temporary Employee , finally making the decision to commute to Toronto to get my permanenty status I can finally have holidays with pay and it FEELS GREAT I think I can do this all year!!!!! Kim Anthony Claughton"חייכנית"Playful
- 16 years, 9 months, 9 days ago
Why do people assume because you have a conversation with them that you are some kind of hosebag wanting them for something other then friendship. I had a guy from Turkey yesterday start conversation with me so I replied back to him, seemed like a nice guy asked me to add him as a friend when I did he became a real JERK!! asking if I was a whore and many other vulgar comments I then just deleted him off my friend list as I have no time for people like that and are not worth my friendship. I am now a little timid on having conversation with people. I hope this guy does not represent the men in the country of Turkey. Kim Anthony Claughton"חייכנית"Playful
- 16 years, 9 months, 19 days ago