Today my lynx told me a story. It was a dream he had a few nights back, but he remembers it vividly. Just to save time, I'll give you the gist of it all.
He said in this dream he stood with his back against a giant wall, and to the right of him was a bus, or subway like train. Between him and the train there was an officer of the navy or some sort of service, and he and the officer were just keeping people in order.
You see, coming from this bus was a huge long line that winded left, right, up, and back: In and out of hallways and stairs for as far as he could see. All these people were waiting to get on this bus to head off to boot camp. While he and the officer were keeping order, they made the young cadets sing a song before they were able to board this bus.
One young'en started to sing in a high pitch voice, "Here is my handle, here is spout." And everyone who heard this man sing laughed. Then the officer stopped the line, made everyone turn, and hear this kid sing it again. Now the whole crowd pointed and laughed.
This is where a third party came in to view and cut straight in the line behind the young kid. Of course the officer couldn't have people just cutting in his line, so he started yelling at this now-visible being. The officer said, "If you are to stand here in place of this kid, you better sing better than he can!"
The new-comer turned, and faced where the lynx was standing. Almost as if they were about to sing directly to him. This being sang with an angelic voice, a soft voice. Yet a voice whose was heard throughout the entire line. It made everyone turn and try to have a look at where the beautiful song came from.
And then as tears filled the officers eyes, the lynx awoke.
Unknown "My Bag" Content
- 17 years, 2 months, 18 days ago