hey i miss you soo much!!! i can't wait to see you again. are you still with your boyfriend?? call me soon.. miss you love you~~!!
"♥iNkEd BeAuTy"Intrigued
- 16 years, 6 months, 14 days ago
maaan. i am the worst at keeping a conversation fresh arent i? hehe ^^ i hope that you have an awesome weekend again. my week was pretty ordinary. last weekend was even better. got to party real hardy so i was hung over most of the time with my ex's voice ringing in the phone. i swear im gonna get a number change soon. shes well on her way to pushing me that far. but then again i hate having a new phone bc then i have to figure that shit out so maybe not :P take care :) talk to you soon
- 16 years, 10 months, 8 days ago
hi there nicole. long time no talky talky. i . i havent really been doing much of anything worth mentioning. just being a good boy like always and staying out of trouble. sometimes. but not always hehe i absolutely love the weather lately and me and my friends are planning a little camping trip soon. were gonna scare off the whole damn forest prolly but oh well. still playing soccer and that just started and its a bit rugged bc its a different transition from ice hockey to that lol . i'll live. my ex has been driving me fucking insane lately. wants to get back together and everytime shes in the neighborhood i head for the hills just to avoid the topic. my phone has been off haha and thats pretty much whats been going down around heaaa. so what has your little self been up to? fill me in ^^
- 16 years, 10 months, 17 days ago
hi ^_^ havent talked in a while. thanks for the superlative you sent me. it was uber cute hehe im finishing up hockey season and getting ready for soccer right now. its been a little hectic around here so i havent been "facebooking" as much as i used to :/ i need a break soon before my body gives out haha averaging 4 hours of sleep every night cant be good. how are you doing? did you have a good spring break?
- 16 years, 11 months, 8 days ago
well, im finally back home and i had a damn good time. snowboarded, went to see a pro hockey game, and got to snoop around the Washington DC nightlife. plus i had to go all the way to Canadia for a hockey tournament. living it up baybeeee hahaha :P how have ya been? good i hope
- 16 years, 11 months, 25 days ago
woman.. we didn't get any snow here.. at all.. kinda sucked. well i can't wait for you to be home next weekend.. i have off saturday and sunday i think....... so we are going to do something...... miss you hun!!
"♥iNkEd BeAuTy"Intrigued
- 16 years, 12 months, 3 days ago