Time seemed to move slower when I was with the pack, and I wasn't sure whether or not I liked that feeling. But at the moment, a quiet silence had settled over our pack as we rested in the shade of a large spike tree. Although my body had settled down, my mind was racing around, jumping between Lylia'na and the male who had begun courting her. Over the few months I had spent with this pack, I had gotten to know this female, and we ourselfs had become close friends. They had been courting for weeks, but when I first 'really' met the male, I had thought him unworthy of Lylia'na. Dantano was large- built for strength and a small bit of speed, but his body didn't matter, all I cared about was my friend's emotions. Wary of this white colored male, I would constantly asses how he acted around my friend, making sure he wouldn't slide onto my black list. Not only would I tag along with Lylia'na, I would often tussel with Dantano, in a friendly way... more likely than not claiming to him that I was his rival. Of course I couldn't tell my friend that the reason I acted so 'mean' to her courter was because I had become overly protective of her, it just wasn't a thing I normally did. True, I am possesive of a few things, but in truth I am but a solitary animal at heart... although the others inadvertantly look past that without noticing. But as I gazed upon the two together, I was glad that I had begun to accept the male, he made Lylia'na happy. Probably much more happy than I could ever make her, as long as she was content I was too, but I was still protective over my friend. If Dantano made a single wrong move, if he /ever/ hurt her, I wasn't past getting very (very) angery. Lifting myself to my paws, I quietly made my way over to sleep by Moh'ki, he was the one who could always make me feel wanted. Huffing a hello, I let my body fall directly next to his and then leaned up against him, we too had become close friends. Resting my head on my front paws, I felt my eyes begin to lower... the last sight I saw before going to sleep was Moh'ki, but of course, Lylia'na and Dantano were somewhere in the background.
Unknown Courageous
- 17 years, 18 days ago
Waking up to find myself covered in a thick layer of snow was a surprise within it's self, but I wasn't used to coming out of sleep to find other's sleeping next to me. Living in a pack as something I still has to get used to, but for now nosing my way out of the snow was my first priority. I was the first one to break the snowcap that had covered my sleeping form and, using my body as a lever, I happily wiggled my way out. Yawning quietly, I turned my canine head to the rising light disk, greating it's many colors as I had done every morning since I as young. As my mind wondered over the events of the past few days, I hardly noticed a patchwork male sit next to me, he to was there to watch the new day break from its daily rest. Moh'ki had become more than the wolf who had been charged with watching me, he had become a good friend, and I had found a deep respect for him deep inside me. Lylia'na and Emi'su had spoken about his past to me, told me that he almost never spoke and that he had once been thought of as a weakling, but as he had grown older he had shown his worth and unwavering loyalty to the pack. It was a wonderful story, but it wasn't what had inspired my respect for the male, it was his kindness and expirience. He was a leader but a benevolant one, such as the Alpha was, which lead me to think that maybe those two were related. The bite at the back of my neck had stopped stinging a while ago, but I had absorbed the lesson that the Beta had given me. I was not allowed to disobey anyone higher than myself and at the moment, I as the lowest rung on the socail ladder, only just above one of the two possible Omegas. Switching my gaze from the rising disk and onto the second wolf who had joined me, I tried to reconize the face, and was surprised to see that it belonged to the Alpha. Dipping my muzzle slightly and touching my nose to his chin in serviant greeting, I lay down silently in the snow, successfully bringing myself to a lower level then that of either of the leaders. For now the three of us were content just to watch the disk rise and wait for the others.
Unknown Courageous
- 17 years, 2 months, 5 days ago
It had been over two days since my acceptance into the Sawtooth pack, and I hadn't been able to change my form once the entire time, all thanks to Moh'ki and his all constant hovering. I could already feel my bones and mind evolving into that of a wolve's, and even though I enjoyed the fun and the strength that came with being one, I new that if I didn't change soon I'd stay a wolf for a very long time. All I had to do was spend fifteen minutes in a different body, that was enough to keep me from changing into a certain species perminently, but I just couldn't get away from the Beta. I found out from Hon'nut that the Alpha was forcing Moh'ki to watch over my every move until he was certain I wasn't a threat to the pack's socail or physical order. But his constant tailing was starting to agrivate me to no end! At one point I had to bar myself from snapping out at him, both with my words and my jagged teeth, if I had I would have had to bare a few good nips from Moh'ki. Damn the wolves and their ranks, although I admit that the way they work together is definatly one of the more sophisticated designs in the animal world. Shaking my head violently as I approached the black and brown female that I had found out earlier to be rather interesting, I let my eyes wonder over the rest of the pack before touching noses (as was a traditional greeting). 'Lylia'na. Good low sun...' Cocking my head to the side as the female swung her head back around to face me, I watched as a sly look ooze accross her entirely black face. 'HULLO Nasseca. So I see that Moh'ki is still keeping an eye on you... although I don't know why the Alpha is still worried about you, I mean I find you to be nice and I have no doubt in my mind that you aren't sent here from one of our rival packs! But I don't see why you are annoid with having the Beta follow you around... he's rather nice looking and kinda dreamy. I'd sure like to have him follow me around everywhere." Blinking at the sheer peppyness of Lylia'na speech, I found myself trying to stiffle a laugh, this female pretty much summed her entire character up in those long sentances. Shaking my head once more, although this time I wore a slight grin, I responded to her in a repressed voice. 'I am certain that you would enjoy it... and thanks. If only the higher ranks thought the way you do, at least in me being innocent that is.' Continuing to speak with Lylia'na, rather myself listening to her ramble on about this and that, I began to notice that Moh'ki had wondered off in boredom. I couldn't help but take my limited chance, darting off with a quick goodbye to my newest friend, I found myself leaping through the underbrush. Gritting my teeth as my body began to change, I forced myself not to screetch in pain as my changling cells began to regenerate. Thanking all the gods that I knew of that I wasn't to late to save my unusual powers, I sighed with greatfulness as I took the form of a red fox. Fifteen minutes... that was all the time I needed, but knowing my tailgater, I knew I had to start formulating a story to tell him. Quietly taking refuge in a bush, I curled up and began to wait for my time to expire, the longer the others didn't notice I was gone the better. Ten minutes had passed and by then I had fallen into a silent doze, occasionally waiting up as another woodland creature struted by my hidding place. Only when there was two minutes remaining did I fully wake up, but it wasn't a inbred timer that forced me awake, it was the all too familiar patter of the Beta's feet. Recoiling slightly into the bush as his scent grew nearer, I could only think about how long he had been searching for me in the forest. Had he told the Alpha he had lost me? Or did he just now figure out that I had dissappeared? Only when I appeared again would I know the answer.
Unknown Courageous
- 17 years, 2 months, 6 days ago
It was a quiet afternoon, the light disk had entered its highest point in the heavens, and the birds sung joyfully over the season's good bounty. My nose was starting to sting slightly from the use I had put it too, it wasn't usually this hard to find something decent to eat on the forest floor. Normally I could find acorns and berries galou, but today something seemed to have picked this edge of the forest clean of food. It wasn't long until I stumbled forward and squashed my nose into the dirt, sprayin it all over my clean white coat. Biting back curses to the gods in the sky, I releveled my body back onto the earth upon which I had fallen. Tripping was an occurance that happened all to many times for my liking, but at least I hadn't hurt my sensitive Ferret nose this time... but as I looked down at was I had stumbled over, I heard my breath catch in my chest. It was a broken tree stick, but that wasn't what surprised me, it was the paw print over it that had made my hackles rise. A wolf print... a fresh one too. Loosing all control of my senses, I ran as if there was no tomorrow, despising myself that I had not smelled their scent on the wind. Squeeking as the pack of wolves emurgded from the undergrowth, I let my legs move as fast as they possibley could without the chance of tripping and falling. Streaking through a small gap in the bush, small enough to slow the pack down for only a few moments, I took the chance to change my form. I hated transforming, it hurt as much as a blood drawing bite of a snake except tenfold, but it was change or my life. And to tell you the truth, at that moment I didn't exactly want to get eaten by a pack of hungry wild dogs. Squeezing my newly shaped amber flecked eyes, I flinched when the wolves finally burst through the thorny brush. I had grown bigger, stronger, but yet I was still no match against a pack of real born canines. Making myself as flat against the floor of the forest as I could, I crawled forward slightly with a plea of mercy, trying to show the others that I was as harmless as a leaf. Yes... I was basically sucking up to the Alpha of the pack. Moments of growling oppression passed, this included many bites and nips given to me on my part by the others, before a decision was made. An argument had erupted between the Beta male and the Alpha over what was to be done but in the end, as with always, the Alpha had won. A few moments of initiation and a few acusations of making them loose their Ferret lunch, they hadn't made the connection that I was the white weasel, I had temporarily become part of their pack. Taking a few more minutes to learn everyone's name and rank, I had been given a new one (Nasseca [valley wind]), we all waited for the Alpha's lead before jumping to attention and starting off into the woods. Moh'ki (the reining Beta) hung back to run with me, successfully informing me on the standards of the pack. Mentally sighing to myself as I flicked a brown and grey ear, I decided that it would be in my best interest to stay with the pack for a while. Large family groups always scared me, my secret wasn't exactly met with the best reactions so the larger the group the more chances to let my secret out, thats why I always prefered to stay alone. But unfortunately this time I had no choice but to stay for a while, especailly if Moh'ki was going to hover near me for the next few weeks. Flicking my amber orbs to the other five members of the pack, I let my feet guide me after the leaders, successfully making me one of the last in the running line. Maybe tomorrow would yeild a better resault than today... you never know.
Unknown Courageous
- 17 years, 2 months, 9 days ago