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"free spirit"

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Unknown's tales
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Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock,
That sound the sound the lulls me into a darken fairytale the same sound that awakens me. I now know why I never want to wake up in the morning and it’s because I don’t want to kiss goodbye to the unicorn's fairies and the mad hatter I don’t want to say goodbye to my dreams and come back to the cold hard reality in this world also called life. I want to stay in my dreams in the place where everyone is ok and no one’s heart is broken. But sometimes our dreams can backfire on to us like when we die in our sleep most people wake up before it happens but I actually go through it until I finally wake up in a cold sweat, gripping my heart still in pain from the knife my murder drew. For me the knife remains in my heart the cold steel feeling lulls like a vulture wait to dine in my heart. But when I awaken everything’s fine even thou I died in my sleep and the cold steel remains until reality comes to light and all I know was that it was just a dream..., a dream that was all too real.

HAHAHAHA Oh Child, What Big Eyes You Have…

Coo, Coo, Coo, Coo,
Groan Thud! Ouch "Where am I?" Red asked herself her eyes get used to the dark as the coocoo clock wakes her from her slumber. Her eyes adjust to realize she’s on the floor and underneath her bed. "How in the world did I get under my bed in my sleep?" she asks herself as she crawls out. The wooden floorboards creak and ache as she gently steps over them trying not to wake her grandmother. A silent wind strokes her body as she stands and shivers in her PJs. "Brrr why dose grandma always keep it so cold in here." she said shivering as she grabbed a blanket and wrapped itself around her.

She opens her door leading into a bleak hallway down toward the kitchen. Red walked as the icy coldness grew larger as she drew nearer to the kitchen. She finally made it to the counter and started making a cup of coffee when fear struck her very soul and she let the mug drop from her hand onto the floor shattering into a thousand pieces. In front of her was the front door and it was wide open with blood smeared on the floor in front of it.

Quietly she went to the knife holder and noticed that her Grandmas favorite butcher knife was missing. This didn’t help my corrupted little mind as it was already. I went to close the door and noticed that the smeared blood didn’t stop there it continued throughout the hallway. The sudden fear came to me like a ton of bricks I was becoming Hysterical as I let the blanket fall to the blood soaked floor. My only weapon was the knife I had in my hand it was the only thing that gave me the courage to take those few steps and follow the blood trail. The blood highlighted the wooden cedar floors as each step she took the blood came to her feet and rippled outward almost as if she were stepping on water.
One Two Three Four Never Ever Open your door Five Six Seven Eight You’ll soon realize your fate nine ten eleven you might go to heaven twelve …

She had started singing a rhyme her grandmother told her, using the numbers to count her steps and each step drew her nearer and closer to the source of the smeared blood but then she quickly forgot the rest due to the fear of the blood trail ending past a closed door. Her hands shaking uncontrollably as every fiber of her being told her to run don’t open the door. But she resisted and reached for the cold steel doorknob and began to turn it. A space began to show its self as little by little she opened the door to her grandmother’s room. The spacious room looked normal enough the cabinet sitting against the wall next to the much too large bed. I peeked in a little more my eyes watching carefully for any movement. But there was this sound that lulled in its perfume filled air a sound I will never forget. It sounds like someone gorging on something. As I continued to open the door the signs of pain showed its self next to the trunk at the end of my Grandmothers bed was a pool of blood.

Burning tears started to well up in my eyes for the fear of what fate my Grandmother had. Then I saw her lying in a pool of blood but I didn’t just see her I also saw a man he had black hair and wore all black but the disturbing part was that he was eating her. Fear soon turned to courage as I ran in to protect the honor of my Grandmothers corpse with the blade in my hand I ran in but as soon as I did the man looked up and jumped out of the window into the darkness from which he came. I ran to the window and grasped the bottom portion of the window with my knife still in hand and looked out, but he was gone. I closed the window in disappointment for the man broke a law and was not punished for the crime he did. I was, I guess the person to give him the punishment with the blade of my knife but he got away. One thing I hate about the law thou is that laws can’t stop people from doing bad things they may be punished after words but not before. Even though they will spend a life time in jail the crime they committed will stay and scar whoever was involved.

I suddenly realized how lonely I was and looked about the room for comfort but the corpse of my grandmother didn’t help it only made it worse. I knelt down to her and started to cry. Her back had been ripped open and I just couldn’t look at her. I started to sob uncontrollably as if it was better as a little girl I saw my parents get murdered in front of me too.
“I need to stop” Red said between sobs
“stop, stop, STOP IT!”
My mind screamed at me as myself conseice started to kick in making me stop crying cause in the back of my mind I knew that no amount of crying was ever going to bring her back“Now get to a phone and call the police” My mind told me. I started walking clumsily while wiping my red eyes towards the phone on my Grandmothers nightstand which stood out against the dark colored walls in a beiges tone. The cream colored phone felt cold in my hand as I placed the knife down onto the night stand and dialed the numbers 911. A ring came to my ear as I started to fidget with the spiral cording another ring and then I heard a voice
“Hello how may I help you? May you please describe your emergency? …Hello?… Hello? Is anyone there” it said as it started off cheerfully then grew concerned.
I stood there paused in thought and then I finally muttered.
“Yes, yes I would like to report a murder.”
Unknown "free spirit" Purring - 16 years, 7 months, 2 days ago
"Once Upon a Time, In a great forest there lived a poor woodcutter and his wife and his two children; The boy's name was Hans and the girl's Greta. They had little to eat each day so little that the mice would not even steal their crumbs for they were too small for them to see. Once a great dearth spread across the vast land as it killed livestock and swirled crops and the woodcutter could not gain the daily bread.

Unknown "free spirit" Purring - 17 years, 1 month, 15 days ago

His fire will light the world,
Will pierce the mist,
A fire to drive the dark away
Forever and ever more.

Daniel Nairn

Prologue: the beginning
By: Serina Lupin Anysia Trexler
Once Upon a time, or so the story told. A lumberjack and his three children, loving wife, lived happily. Like most stories this one begins with a simple mistake and somehow mistakes to horrors beyond imagination, but sometimes those horrors are worth it all for the beauty of something new and fascinating adventures.

"Daddy please tell me a story."
"Well o.k."

Unknown "free spirit" Purring - 17 years, 1 month, 15 days ago

The boy with fire in his eyes
Stands there waiting.
It is his soul inside;
It keeps him standing.

And if ever the fire goes out,
He will freeze in the cold.
It is his heat
And all that keeps him living.

Or if it never is put to use,
It will consume him;
He will burn to the ground
His ashes left behind.

But if the fire blazes,
If kindled, kept and carried,
If the boy with fire in his eyes
Finds life inside that fire,

His fire will light the world,
Will pierce the mist,
A fire to drive the dark away
Forever and ever more.

Daniel Nairn

Prologue: the beginning
By: Serina Lupin Anysia Trexler
Once Upon a time, or so the story told. A lumberjack and his three children, loving wife, lived happily. Like most stories this one begins with a simple mistake and somehow mistakes to horrors beyond imagination, but sometimes those horrors are worth it all for the beauty of something new and fascinating adventures.

"Daddy please tell me a story."
"Well o.k."

"Once Upon a Time, In a great forest there lived a poor woodcutter and his wife and his two children; The boy's name was Hans and the girl's Greta. They had little to eat each day so little that the mice would not even steal their crumbs for they were too small for them to see. Once a great dearth spread across the vast land as it killed livestock and swirled crops and the woodcutter could not gain the daily bread.

One night as he lied upon his fluffy white wool covered bed pondering this he sighed and asked of his wife “What will become of us? We cannot even feed the hungry mouths of our children; there is nothing left for ourselves."

" I will tell you what, my dearest," answered his wife; " we will take the children early in the morning into the forest, where it is thickest so thick that no mortal eyes could see; we will build them a fire, and we will give them each of them a piece of bread, then we will go to our work and leave them alone; they will never find their way home again and we shall be gone of them."
"No, wife," said the woodcutter, " I cannot do that; I cannot find it in my heart to take my children into the forest and leave them there alone; the wild animals would soon come and devour them."
" O you fool," said she, "then we will all four starve; you had better get the coffins ready" -and she left him no peace until he consented.
"But I really pity the poor children," said the woodcutter
The two children had not been able to sleep for hunger, and had heard what there step-mother had said to their father. Greta wept bitterly, and said to Hans “O t

“Hey guys wait for me!" a shrill voice entered the ears of three silhouettes in the distance. The sound of light footsteps and wood bouncing and thudding, then tears soon fell upon the fallen dry timber and shouted out through the dense forest.
"Safrinia! How many times do I have to tell you don't drop the wood!" said one of the silhouettes.
Her crying continued.
"Matthew! It’s not her fault I’m almost ashamed of you, you’re the oldest of the bunch and you should know better.” Matthew glanced down in shame “Sorry father it’s this Now was it my little princess? All you were trying to do was catch up now was it “The Tears soon ended as reassuring hands lifted her head to see her bright green eyes “You know you still have eyes as green as a forest" Safrinia's father said.
She started giggling as her father took her lumber along with his own and placed her upon his shoulder.“Dad can we go now?" Nathan the second oldest out of the three, said longingly.
“Yeah it’s almost dark and mom will be getting worried" Said Matthew.
"O.k. then let’s go" said their father as they all went home together.

"Oh Joe your home!" said the wife of the lumber man and mother of the children as she wrapped her arms aroun
Unknown "free spirit" Purring - 17 years, 1 month, 15 days ago
Like most stories this one begins with a simple mistake and somehow mistakes to horrors beyond imagination, but sometimes those horrors are worth it all for the beauty of something new and fascinating adventures.
Unknown "free spirit" Purring - 17 years, 2 months, 24 days ago
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Sorry been in Kansas with toto
Unknown "free spirit" Purring - 17 years, 2 months, 11 days ago
Yes they are but he named all of his pets that
Unknown "free spirit" Purring - 17 years, 2 months, 24 days ago
Unknown "free spirit" Purring - 17 years, 2 months, 24 days ago
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