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Unknown's tales
ALoha all from hawaii! This is day ... I"m not sure I can't keep track of time here aside from the fact that I seem to need almost no sleep.but we landed on friday and it's wednesday I think. Well the wedding was fantabulous and I picked myself up a board which was way too small and spent a day drinking sea water so I may be a little less well balanced when I return. Then we went off and full size boards which I did much better with. Secretly contemplating buying a bigger board to bring home since I'll have to pay oversize on whatever I drag with me anywhos. This is BC+ seriously all the best parts of the okanagon plus the weather is always great. We're under a flash flood warning and it's beutiful. I'm soooo coming back here and most likely buying a polonesian island in the next few years. Surfs up dude
Unknown Adventurous - 16 years, 10 months, 12 days ago
YAY! I love tinkering but today I think I may have zapped something important... not like that time with the dryer and the kaboom zappy but the tingly is definately taking longer than normal to go away. I'm so glad I didn't punch myself in the face this time.
Unknown Adventurous - 16 years, 11 months, 23 days ago
Things seem to be going smooth as we aproach a little town we'll fuel up there. Passed a cross on the other side of the other road for god knows who but not our problem, then comes the rumbble and the burning smell. BRABADAWHAPWHAOPWAP. I look over to Matt just to get a feeling for the situation and admittedly his face doesn't fill me with confidence. So we pull over to find the problem. Open the hood, engines still there and doesn't seem angry so we do the walk around and one of the rear tires have blown out at the side. Not good but it could be so much worse we'll switch this out and be on our way in 10. Open the trunk and there's the spare tire and a rim not together... giggle. Well we passed a motel about a kilometer back no prob. so we run across the highway and find ourselves standing by a cross for god knows who all we can talkabout how much worse this could be.
Wandering into the motel there is the particular smell of fermeldilhyde, a computer from the mid eighties sun bleached yellowish brown, no cell reception, and no one around to answer the annoying bell. Now we're creeped. Wandering out we come across the owner cleaning a room and find out he's quite useless minus the conversation about his homeland (iraq), his personal political views (revolution is required apearently), the location of a tire shop, and the parting words "just remember what frank sinatra said."... With that we're sent on our way.
I don't know frank sinatra past I did it my way and poor Matt's in the same boat. Ah fuck it we'll do it our way. Get back to the car start her up laugh our asses of as the car fills with dust the smell of burning rubber and the sound of tire chunks thumping off the roof and we come over the ridge too see a town a few miles off and a truck stranded on the side of the road right in our way. So we stop to see if we can help and it's this old guy who lost his load of lumber and has two and a half finger on one hand but we have him on his way in about five minutes. After aurguing for a little bit we accept the ten dollars he gives us as a gratitude and head on our own way. Now I'm not sure where our heads were at by this time but all questions had passed away and we knew we'd get home, just no clue what was between here and there.
We pull into town and find the tire shop. There's no rubber left on the tire and the rims been pounded flat. We've got about 34 dollars now thanks to buddy and the spare comes to about thirty which leaves us enough for a coke each.
Life is great and the road looks clear. Some misadventures are things you keep with you forever, be kind to strangers they are the one's who'll save you when no one else is around.
Unknown Adventurous - 17 years, 11 days ago
So this an old tale but a gooder that really gives an understanding of how my life tends to work and why while my methods my seem reckless I'm still here against all odds.

So I'd bought my mom a car for her birthday nothing great just a 75 royal monaco, a friend wanted to go visit this girl he was kinda stupid for out in slamon arm (at this time we're in kamloops) so to make sure the car's all good for my mom a little road trip does seem to be in order. Late getting out we find out the high beams are stuck on and he speedo's stopped working (I now love this car). So we use a semi for a speedo which would have worked fine if not for the fact that someones highbeeams really pissed him off and it was made quite clear we were to pass him and never see his rear red's again. the night wears on and we've got 400 cubic inches of raw detroit hurtelling our brick up and down the hills with ease and themn the snow comes... "Dude what kind of tires are these?"...
"Not a fucking clue. But traction is definately an issue."
We find a little hotel in the middle of nowhere have we missed a turn off? We've been driving a long time. There are no turns and we just have to admit we're lost on a straight line... GPS would've been nice right about now. So we pull in get the neccisary to find out we're almost there and try to call the girly... No answer. Brilliant of course this is where I find out she doesn't know we're coming... it's a surprise! You're teilling me!
Well we make it to salmon arm to finally get ahold of her at god knows when in the morning but she's almost as pissed with the situation as your's truly (amused but pissed). So off to breakfast (guess who is fouynd to be the only one with cash for the tab... giggle) we're off for Kamloops after a heart warming little interchange between them. This is so doomed. After that things get wierd.
Unknown Adventurous - 17 years, 11 days ago

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just i no how tyler thinks bout boobs:) mind u i wont show him mine anymore one free show lol so he may pick u! hope u find euphorea:)
Unknown " " - 16 years, 2 months, 19 days ago
u should ask him who he rather own him i have boobs!!lol my day is going:) and urs?
Unknown " " - 16 years, 6 months, 3 days ago
Andy Spivak

You have been given a zombie pet.
Crafted by Unknown
Andy Spivak "Resonating Being" Serene - 16 years, 7 months, 24 days ago
Andy Spivak

You have been given Zombie Summon.
Crafted by Alpi
Andy Spivak "Resonating Being" Serene - 16 years, 9 months, 7 days ago
Andy Spivak

You have been given Zombie Survival Plan.
Crafted by Unknown
Andy Spivak "Resonating Being" Serene - 16 years, 9 months, 7 days ago
Andy Spivak
When the takeover begins you will have to invent one of these!
You have been given Remote Control ZOMBIE.
Crafted by
Andy Spivak "Resonating Being" Serene - 16 years, 9 months, 14 days ago
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