The first part of my debut novel is nearly complete (after almost a year of pain). The process has been similar to this:
1. Thinking up what to write.
2. Write.
3. Read.
4. Edit.
5. Read.
6. Edit again.
7. Rewrite completely.
8. Read.
9. Edit.
Well, you get the point. I have the synopsis ready so the reason I rewrite this much is not because I`m unhappy with the storyline (the storyline is perfect). I´m just experimenting literally to get the flow fitting the story.
I know the process will speed up from here since I don't have much experimenting to do anymore. I just have to finish the story, so the two remaining parts after this one before it can be called a novel will be done in no time.
And to answer a common question: It's not in English and I will not translate it myself for distributing digitally. I will try my best to get published here in Sweden, and if the book gets popular, it "might" get translated for you to read. Based on interest, I might try to translate parts of the story, but note that the English would be far from as flawless as it would be if a real translator would deal with it.
Unknown "~WoLf~" Growling
- 17 years, 2 months, 8 days ago