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"♥Blood Opal♥"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: Shadow Wolf Pack, Intellectual Experimentalists, 300, MASTER / MISTRESS / slave / sub, Timber Pack, Alberta Kink, Natural Born Charmers, BDSM Pets, *Rough**Rough*
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"Run Away"
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"Miss Doll"
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110 pts
Unknown's tales
It was a Monday night; I remember it like it was yesterday.
My little Brother sitting between my knees that are raise to my chest, his back to me.
We were hiding out from our parents during their third fight of the night, mom had thrown two cups and a chair already, and dad had decked her twice.
I gently stroked his hair, and felt his breathing…Shallow, as he had just stopped crying.
He ran his hand along the length of my thigh, distracting himself from the screaming.

“You love me right?” I asked, talking lowly into his ear.
“Of course, you’re my Brother…” He patted my thigh lightly. “It’s a given isn’t it?”
“Well no, just because I’m your Brother doesn’t mean you have to love me.” I mused, ruffling his hair, and then fixing it.
“That may be, but I do anyways, if you weren’t my Brother, you’d be my closest friend and I’d love you like family either way.” He was speaking more seriously then I had asked the question.
“Would you, help me no matter what?”
“Well yeah, again you’re my Brother I’d do anything for you.” He answered, turning his head slightly to see me from the corner of his eye.
“Would you, die for me?”
“I’d gladly give my life for yours.” He answered again, a dead serious look upon his face.
“So you’d take a bullet for me?”
He winced as another item crashed against a wall, and more screams ensued.
“I just said that didn’t, I?”
I reached under the pillow behind my back and pull out a small hand gun I had gotten off a guy at school, I was going to fix this.
“What about taking a bullet from me?”
I fumbled with the slide, not knowing actually how to work it, aside from the trigger.
“What are you doing!?” His voice panicked as I charged the chamber with a round and placed the barrel lightly against the back of his head.
“Just answer…” Trying to keep my voice calm and soft.
He paused for a full moment, grasping what I offered to him.
“Yes.” He whispered tilting his head back farther into the barrel.

“…Thank you.”
That was the last time I saw my Brother.
Unknown "♥Blood Opal♥" Unwell - 16 years, 11 months, 25 days ago
I've come back from a place.
Not a happy place.
A dark and horrorid place.
Full of nightmares and pain.
Torture and suffering.
I've come back.
Cut and burned.
But I have come back.
I have come back to find that all are gone.
There is no one left.
They all left while I was fighting for my life in a miserable place.
I do not know why they left.
Why they did not wait I will never know.
So now I sit.
I sit alone.
This better world that I sit in now...
Is starting to look like the world I left.
Did I bring the misery with me?
Is that why they left...
Because I brought suffering with me...
I will never know.
And someday.
I hope they all come back.
Because I will still be here...
In this place.
That I call.


Unknown "♥Blood Opal♥" Unwell - 17 years ago
Take the Red Pill and you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
Take the Blue Pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you just how far the Rabbit hole goes.
Remember all I offer is the truth.

Little Devil bitch in a blue dress, she’s pretending to not to know, sipping drugs and talking kitty nonsense.
Running around interrupting tea parties and conducting more Ass-hattery then the Mad hatter himself!
What does she know of truth? What does she know of the world and the way it works?
The Bunny was right, you’re always late.
A spilt second too late to pull the trigger and now they have you locked up in the little white room.
A minute too late and she’s already in another’s arms.
An hour too late and now you’re fired and living in your favorite box on 3rd.
A day too late and now Fluffy won’t wake.
A week too late and now you’ve got a kid on the way.
A month too late and sorry kid but Momma ain’t comin back.
A year too late and now your tombstone reads…Get a fucking watch.

Yes, what did that Devil bitch in the blue dress know about truth?
The Queen knew the way, off with her head!
Best way to shut the brat up.
But that’s what got your kids taken and you locked away in the first place.

You want to know the truth?
The average Man lives to 65, that’s 23,725 days, 569 777.83 hours, 34 186 669.8 minutes and 2051200190 seconds…Good luck.
Unknown "♥Blood Opal♥" Unwell - 17 years, 1 month, 4 days ago
It's a blurred line that lies at the edge of Godhood and Insanity.

You live your life, day to day…Sleeping it away.
I do not Sleep.
I do not Eat.
I live each day in millionths of a second, in minutes I do what you take life times to get done.
You end when you stop breathing, when your body can no longer live, I will end when the universe it’s self runs out of breath.
I will do in my life time, what it has taken man to complete since the dawn of time.

I have suffered damage beyond repair…
I can no longer hold my own against your onslaught, is this…Is this, what you call death?
No one can save me now, I have passed the line of no return, I have crossed Death and He will show me no mercy.

No Heaven.
No Hell.
No life after death for me.
My sins weigh to great and I will become nothing but the dust in time.

I wanted to rule you, to save you from yourself…But you have denied me my Glory, chosen Destruction to my Salvation.
You will regret denying me; I will see to it that you will not live to see the one that will replace me.
None of you will.
It is time for me to die, and you along with me…Welcome to my Grave, please leave your Humanity at the edge, nothing but Beasts and Demons here.
Unknown "♥Blood Opal♥" Unwell - 17 years, 1 month, 12 days ago

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Kaires K
Face book was a complete ass to me and disabled my Account so I had to move back to my old one...Please I need my points back and pets...If one of you would mplease buy my first three pets and give them back to me? They are important people to me. And also add me back as a friend if i have not added you back yet.
Kaires K "GuardianAngelNFS" Curious - 16 years, 11 months, 6 days ago

You have been given Popping up to say hi.
Crafted by
Unknown "monkeh" Playful - 16 years, 11 months, 16 days ago
Wow, i really like your new tale, do you have anything more like that?
Unknown "Druidess" Lonely - 16 years, 11 months, 18 days ago
Your most recent tale is quite beautiful
Unknown "Ginger" Feisty - 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
Paris Fong
thumbed ur tales!
Paris Fong "Fond of Paris" °HUMAN PET IS GETTING CRANKY° - 17 years, 1 day ago
lookin awsome!!!
Unknown "ven icecream" Purring - 17 years, 5 days ago
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Unknown's shop
My Little World of Horror.

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A Walk Through My Mind
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A Room With a Moose
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A Room With a Moose
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The Grace of The Fallen
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The Right To Die
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The Right To Die
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