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Now Has a Life!

Unknown's tales
Hello my little fellow pets and friends. I'm not going to be around much for a while. I have so much going on with moving house and sorting out my new job. And just to keep things fun I've ordered a new car. It was great choosing the spec for it. I have to wait 4 weeks for them to make it and have it delivered. So I'm working on a courtesy car which I think is the least they can do ;) I'm 95% sure I've got THE job I want, well they want me, how about that! Will know soon enough. I miss you all and love you lots. I'll be back with you all soon!!! xoxox
Unknown Now Has a Life!
- 16 years, 11 months, 13 days ago
So I've been ill for about 2 weeks now. The doctor signed me off work of which I only have 2 weeks left to do before I finish all together. My boss has been so understanding. He called me the other day and asked if I was ok to pop in and see him (I only live next door). So I got myself together and went. He told me they had found my replacement and as I am ill they are going to start him immediatley. That way I don't have to worry about being in for the hectic Easter break. So he is paying me in full till the end off the month (which is when I'm leaving) and I don't even have to go in! How cool is that!? But I'm very bored though :(( Ah well you can't have it all ;)
Unknown Now Has a Life!
- 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
Ok, I'm over feeling bad about leaving my job. I'm so excited about moving back to Liverpool. It's been voted "the city of culture 2008" and there is so much going on there and I'm going to be a part of it yeahhhhhhhhhh
Unknown Now Has a Life!
- 17 years, 18 days ago
I hate my job, so I quit today. Well handed in my notice. So why do I feel so bad? I thought I'd be jumping for joy, but no. I feel like a twat!
Unknown Now Has a Life!
- 17 years, 25 days ago
Sometimes you feel sad when people let you down. If you had something special planned and it all comes crashing down. But may be, just maybe you had a lucky escape, a very lucky escape. Things DO happen for a reason after all. So smile and think youself luck you didn't have to go through with something that just wasn't meant to be.
Unknown Now Has a Life!
- 17 years, 1 month, 3 days ago
Bad Bears
Express yourself in a kind of cute and cuddley way
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