right guys,this site is really taking the psss..i have had my shop things removed and im not happy.no reason,no explanation.i have seen things that are more sexual or offensive than my stuff.its not the first time and im vexed!!
Unknown "King" Seductive
- 17 years, 1 month, 16 days ago
do you ever think..why are we here?.. whats the meaning of life?..why do mcdonalds burgers never look like the ones being advertised?..why is it when you butter your toast and then drop it,it always lands butter side down?..whats the point of men having nipples?..whats the point of women having men?..why have a snooze button on an alarm clock?..why does your finger always go thru the paper when your wiping your bum?..or is that just me????
Unknown "King" Seductive
- 17 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
thumbs are good,thumbs are funky,thumbs are great,thumbs are sexy,thumbs are sultry,thumbs are kinky,thumbs are awesome,thumbs are mysterious,thumbs are mutant,thumbs are pets,thumbs are radiant,thumbs are gorgeous,thumbs are... copy and paste then add your own
Unknown "King" Seductive
- 17 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
2008..new year,new things...NOTHING CHANGES!! when ur walking home late at nite,be careful of the big,black bat..he will stalk,he will strike,he IS there!!
Unknown "King" Seductive
- 17 years, 2 months ago