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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 100000 points.


"♠Queen Amy"

"♠Queen Amy"
100000 pts
"Jess Jess"
100000 pts
90000 pts

"Mommy <3 "
1000 pts

"RIP, ily "
90 pts

"Sexy ;)"
50 pts
Unknown's tales
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I haven't written in a while. But, summer has gone by great. There have been many fights but also twice as many good times. I met a new girl named Nicole. She's pretty amazing ! We have been having fun times lately. But, I started working about 3 days ago so we haven't hung out for THREE WHOLE DAYS! lol. I am working sometime next week too so it will be a little while. Saturday I am going to a birthday party. I only will know 3 people though. Sunday is supposed to be a movie. But, I doubt it. I have to start to write up a resume soon. I am applying for a job during the year. It will be fun! I like working.
Unknown "♠Queen Amy" Tired - 16 years, 6 months, 16 days ago
So, I haven't updated for a whileee! I write on my now. But, I just looked at my shit, and saw that the last post talked about how I was with Brandon. I am not. He hardcore cheated, and got someone pregnet. So I am done with that. I got screwed over by another brandon today too. So, I am pretty sure boys suck.
Parents are away for a week. Exciting. i have missed them though. But right now, I am so glad to be alone. Raquel and Hil are coming back soon though I think. Yeah, Raquel is here for sure. <3 her
Unknown "♠Queen Amy" Tired - 16 years, 8 months, 9 days ago
I don't see how anyone would care but if you're bored or want to read some stuff about my life, or maybe a story of mine,

There. That's my new blog area. No / minimal angst here in my tales. :)
Unknown "♠Queen Amy" Tired - 16 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
I just read all my tales (which are basically where I put all my shit be honest, I don't know. It is easy to make, doesn't require codes and picking like, a million things before you can actually write anything, ect. ANYWAY, I just read through them and I LAUGHED. HARD. Only at the Brandon stuff. Actually, there was one tale I laughed at. The one long one where it was talking about Brandon and getting back together with him, ect.
I am back with him, by the way. Just an update for anyone who cares. :) As of 11:42pm, May 2nd, 2008. We were broken up for 6 weeks and a day.
The reason I am with him again? There are many. I love him. Life without him was harder, and more painful then anything that happened when I was with him. For maybe a week, he has been super sweet, loving, understanding ect. I know that is like "Who cares? It was a week!" but it is a big deal. He was there when others wern't.
I know it's been a day but so far, it is like a NORMAL relationship. None of this obsessing and getting upset over DUMB things. I am de-bitching! WOOT! <3
I hope it lasts long. I really doubt it though. :(
Anywaysss, I know this blog thing (I call it a blog because that is what it is. I don't know where else to rant really.) has been EVERYWHERE and I appoligise if you actually read it that it kind of bounced around like that. I got a lot on my mind. But, GUESS WHAT! I'm happy.
Unknown "♠Queen Amy" Tired - 16 years, 12 months ago
It feels like Im getting lonelier every second. I bet if I wrote down the names of everyone who was my friend at the beginning of the year, and the people I am getting along with right now, there would be about 3 times LESS.

People don't appear to care much about me. I've become much more of a bitch and I know it but it's because I keep getting screwed over by people I love. Yelled at, ignored, ditched, betrayed by people, ect.

This is really painful and I have no idea how to deal with it. If ANYONE who read this has a helpful word, please message me. You don't know how much I would appreciate it. Thank you.
Unknown "♠Queen Amy" Tired - 17 years, 1 day ago
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Just Mak
hmm i could have set up a private auction for you but as i am not sure when you might be online to bid in it how about you buy some "donation" items from my shop worth 9999 points each?
Its been so long so i cannot exactly remember but i think i bid 60,000 in your auction and you gave me a couple of 100 thumbs.If you remember better, then thats fine.
Just Mak "My Mak Attack" hmm... - 16 years, 5 months, 10 days ago
Benjamin Beddows
Cute lil' Naruto kitties! :D
You have been given *A WarM HuG*.
Crafted by Unknown
Benjamin Beddows "kels ninja lover" Peaceful - 16 years, 7 months, 12 days ago
:D awwww. ♥

you are gorgeous!
Unknown "My Better Half" Ecstatic - 16 years, 7 months, 21 days ago
Canadian Beaver
Hope your having a good day.
You have been given ♦Thanks for Petting♦.
Crafted by Lily
Canadian Beaver "Leafy Beavy" Peace and Love - 16 years, 8 months, 20 days ago
I do hope so!
I hope anything that is coming up with you goes exceedingly well! :]
Unknown "My Better Half" Ecstatic - 16 years, 10 months, 7 days ago
Pretty much the same!
Except AIM instead of MSN. :]
Prom is tomorrow! So that's big! ^^
Unknown "My Better Half" Ecstatic - 16 years, 10 months, 7 days ago
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Unknown's shop
My Stuffs

A bunch of stuffs for all the cool pets out there! :D

1 use

200 pts
Bought by 33 people
a day of relaxation. With me. :)
1 use

200 pts
a day of relaxation. With me. :)
Bought by 18 people
some style
1 use

200 pts
some style
Bought by 5 people
a candy kiss
1 use

250 pts
a candy kiss
Bought by 8 people
some boy kisses <33
1 use

250 pts
some boy kisses &lt;33
Bought by 11 people
beautiful roses
1 use

250 pts
beautiful roses
Bought by 15 people
A Very Sexy Kiss
1 use

200 pts
A Very Sexy Kiss
Bought by 15 people
1 use

150 pts
Bought by 15 people
naruto kitties! CHA~
1 use

200 pts
naruto kitties! CHA~
Bought by 21 people
a "hello!"
1 use

200 pts
a &quot;hello!&quot;
Bought by 6 people

Most recent customers:
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"My Dreamcatcher"
23456789 pts
Sir Smartass
Sir Smartass
"My minion"
50 pts
Super Steve
Super Steve
"Super Steve♥"
364653 pts
50 pts

811 pts
100000 pts
"So very missed "
157500 pts
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