I seem to be in a "writing love poems" sort of mood.. bear with me :P
It’s the way you bite your lip,
Or the fidgeting of fingers.
The way you sway your hips,
Or how your presence seems to linger.
It’s the shy things that you do,
And the smile that creeps up on your face.
And I know that I can’t do it,
What is lost can’t be replaced.
It’s your scent I miss the most,
The familiar creases in the sheets.
The way your eyes would smile,
Or tears of joy run down your cheeks.
And I know that it’s not simple,
For these things, they never are.
Across the world seems so damn close,
When now you seem so far.
It’s the shadow that your body cast,
As burnt pizza filled the air.
The way you’d look so sympathetic,
Before tying back your hair.
How you’d get that sort of sparkle
In those deep brown orbs of yours.
Then politely in your best English,
Ask if I would do the chores.
Then you’d get angry, frustrated,
And say ‘let’s just run away.’
And I would laugh, hold you,
And remind you we must stay.
I rub my chest these days,
But the pain is ever persistent.
I know it’s not faded away,
Our love’s still ever existent.
Unknown "~sweet~ ~smile~" Adventurous
- 17 years, 1 month, 29 days ago