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"~sweet~ ~smile~"

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Unknown's tales
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My birthday is coming up!!! April 11th! This is turning out to be a good month :D
Plus, I am getting my little Mia (cat) from T-Rex so XD

Unknown "~sweet~ ~smile~" Adventurous - 16 years, 11 months, 16 days ago
Will comes home end of April!!!!! <3<3<3
Unknown "~sweet~ ~smile~" Adventurous - 16 years, 11 months, 16 days ago
I needs to write something.. because it's been rather long so. OMG I LOVED THE TRIP AND I MISS YOU GUYS IN T-BAY SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok. Message end.
Unknown "~sweet~ ~smile~" Adventurous - 17 years, 22 days ago
LIFEZ LESSONS ON A WOMAN'S BODY ((Copyrighted to me))

In a time where age is a crime and weight means having no sexual life, we've lost sight of the true beauty of a woman.

There was a time when the natural shape a woman's body took was considered beautiful. Where her wide hips and love handles were desired because of the ease of which she could bear children. If there was a bit of a mound near her pelvic region it was accepted too, for that was yet another sign of her maturity and ability to bear children. Larger breasts were never looked upon with disgust and if there was a bit of extra weight, that was ok too.

Yes, there was a time when a woman's natural shape was accepted. However, today we live in a superficial world. Flat tummies are all the rave these days. Anorexic is the new "in" and if she doesn't look like she's hit puberty then she's ripe for the taking. The hour glass shape a woman's true body was meant to take on is now "so last century" and in our desperate rush to be perfect, we've forgotten the true beauty of a woman. Breasts are bound to keep them small, food is thrown up or not eaten to begin with in order to keep the weight gain down. Tummy tucks and tans are used for quicker results. Clothes are manufactured for those who haven't hit puberty yet.

A woman may no longer walk with pride while having larger breasts, her shoulders are usually slumped while she desperately tries to draw attention away from them. Wide hips and natural bumps near our lower region are now signals of alarm that we are something other than perfect. A little extra weight has now become programmed in to our brain as an excuse to say "Omg I’m so fat!"

The body does not know "Human Perfection" it knows only of "Perfect Function". It knows a woman needs wide hips for easier births, and larger breasts to feed these children born to her. It puts extra weight and love handles on her sides and stomach to ease the pain of carrying a young toddler and to protect her organs and unborn child. Her body knows how to stretch, to change it's shape and form; change is no stranger to her body. Yet still, we fight against the very thing that makes us woman. We battle desperately to be perfect in the eyes of men. No hips, no breasts and gods forbid we may carry two pounds extra of weight on us.

And age, what of it? There was a time when a woman would age with grace. When she would smile at her body and change with it, as it saw fit. If her stomach protruded a bit more from the many children she had birthed, it didn't trouble her. She would look upon each new wrinkle with pride, her rite of passage upon becoming an elder speaking of all the years and experience she now holds under her belt. Her skin wouldn't stretch as much, it's texture now a bit dryer, a bit less elasticity but that was ok too because her body no longer needs to stretch and change like it once did. And if for say, her skin was not as bright, or as tight as it used to be and perhaps her breasts were not as perky or her body as full figured as it once was, no one criticized her for it. No one told her she was ugly, no one told her she was old. She was a woman with years under her belt and her body was still beautiful.

It's not like that any more. Many of us fight our age. We turn to cosmetic surgery. A face lift here, some botox there. Wrinkles are no longer a rite of passage they are a curse and let's not forget, after bearing children if our baby fat isn't worked off it's the end of the world. There are creams, moisturisers and beauty products of all sorts. We don't age gracefully anymore. We don't want to age anymore. Being a woman with years under her belt no longer means being beautiful, or so we seem to believe.

I see the state the world is in, the frenzy over fighting what our bodies work so hard to be. I look at my love handles, at the bump in my tummy telling me I’ve hit puberty, at my larger, fuller breasts along with my wide hips and the extra bit of weight my body carries. Then
Unknown "~sweet~ ~smile~" Adventurous - 17 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
I seem to be in a "writing love poems" sort of mood.. bear with me :P

It’s the way you bite your lip,
Or the fidgeting of fingers.
The way you sway your hips,
Or how your presence seems to linger.

It’s the shy things that you do,
And the smile that creeps up on your face.
And I know that I can’t do it,
What is lost can’t be replaced.

It’s your scent I miss the most,
The familiar creases in the sheets.
The way your eyes would smile,
Or tears of joy run down your cheeks.

And I know that it’s not simple,
For these things, they never are.
Across the world seems so damn close,
When now you seem so far.

It’s the shadow that your body cast,
As burnt pizza filled the air.
The way you’d look so sympathetic,
Before tying back your hair.

How you’d get that sort of sparkle
In those deep brown orbs of yours.
Then politely in your best English,
Ask if I would do the chores.

Then you’d get angry, frustrated,
And say ‘let’s just run away.’
And I would laugh, hold you,
And remind you we must stay.

I rub my chest these days,
But the pain is ever persistent.
I know it’s not faded away,
Our love’s still ever existent.
Unknown "~sweet~ ~smile~" Adventurous - 17 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
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Alexander Graesser
random comment #558) howdy
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 5 months, 12 days ago
thanx for shopping:)
Unknown "My Chosen One :)" Adventurous - 16 years, 7 months, 7 days ago
heather miller
thanks for shoppin
heather miller "HotSauceHeather" Adored - 16 years, 10 months, 12 days ago
Totally in agreement with your tale. Let's hear it for the real woman!
Roberto "dooobeee" - 16 years, 11 months, 3 days ago

You have been given miss you.
Crafted by
Unknown Tender - 16 years, 11 months, 16 days ago
Ramazan Uzun
hey hun. l try to thumbs you but not you have so much if you need any help let me know it ok. take care your self bye lost of kiss and hugs you
Ramazan Uzun "me&my love" - 16 years, 11 months, 19 days ago
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