Sorry the Scrab game's out, American business' suck, and not in that, 'hey American business is being erotic again! Those cheeky bastards!" No, no sadly they just effin suck, so due to current lawsuits our threesome is in limbo, no, no not libido, limbo, a much darker, less sensual place, so to apologize for corporations I simply hate, I wanted to send you a comment about ur cucumber making me wet, now where again did I put that towel??? ;-)
- 16 years, 7 months, 7 days ago
Duuuuuuuuuuuude! I think you dropped something, found it in the shops...was like, whoa! Must be Ricky''d it get here? Thought a lot about time/space...the butterfly effect, how one lil tedious moment can change the entire universe...was like, whoa, Ricky dropped this, left it here for me to find, and is waiting its return...God bless Ricky, ooops, my bad, bruh, Ricky Bless....;-)