Years later
Ever since my father died, it’s been different. Eminem and I went our own ways and don’t live witheach other no more. I still live in the house, but all by my lonesome self. I’ve tried to find another bf but I haven’t had any luck.
But it was until this one day I saw a guy who instantly took my breath away. He was different from all of the other guyz I’ve seen. He was the best shade of tan, his eyes were the prettiest brown I’ve ever seen, and his tattoos were like any other. His hair was blonde on top and dark brown on the bottom. In my opinion, he was a stud. Ever since that day I’ve always wondered what he’d look like with no clothes on.
Until this one day when he came to my door and I was speechless. He was even hotter up close and god damn I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He was just so……..uh I’m just rambling on and on wasn’t I… I just let him in since it looked like he hadn’t slept in days. Therefore, I showed him the other bed and he laid right down and passed out. He didn’t wake up for hours, every once in a while I’d sneak into bed withhim but I never woke him. Damn was he good at keeping you warm. He looked very familiar though, like I’ve seen him in movies I’ve watched.
However, the bad thing about him was that he smoked and I knew that can kill you faster but I never did say anything to him about it because I thought he already knew that. He smoked every now and then, but not constantly. Which was a good thing. I was so just rambling on again about him wasn’t I.
Until this one day he finally woke up and he walked out to where I was and I turned around and saw his hair. It was a mess but I could tell he had a good long ass sleep.
He never told me his name though, but I wanted to know what it was. So I went up to him and asked and he said his name was Johnny……..Johnny Depp. And I was speechless because I “so called” slept withan actor who was in the most kickass movies ever. But thank god I'm not withEminem no more because then this would’ve never happened. But I'm so glad that It did happen because then maybe, just maybe, me and Johnny could possibly *cough* date. But you never know withactors these days.
The walk that led to sex
Later that day Johnny and I went for a little walk around the lands. He never said anything but I could tell out of the corner of my eye he was always looking at me. But I didn’t care if he was looking at me because I knew he wanted me.
After we got back to the house just out of nowhere he started kissing me and he led me to the other room. We started to french kiss and we totally got into that. Then he started to massage my tongue withhis tongue and that got us horny. In a matter of seconds, we were fucking like crazy. His dick was throbbing from going in and out of me but he didn’t care. We were so into it that we never even shut the bedroom door. But damn was I a moaner. After a while I felt him release himself into me and I moaned really loud. To me he was an expert at this because I had never fucked in my life. Not even when I was withEminem because he was always busy writing songs and doing other things. The sex lasted most of the night. From what I could tell Johnny loved my moaning. After we settled down from the sex we just had I said, “That was great.”
Johnny nodded his head in agreement and slipped me the tongue again. That almost made me go off but I held back. We were both sweating and breathing heavily still but after a while we were settled down. We then went into the bathroom and took a shower together. The water was hot and steamy that it felt soothing. After a while we were kissing and keeping each other company.
When we were all squeaky clean we then went to bed and cuddled all through the night........IF YOU WANT THE REST OF MY STORY GIVE ME YOUR EMAIL AND ILL EMAIL IT TO YOU
Emily Reynolds "Taxi" Lonely
- 17 years, 2 months, 7 days ago