I am excited about going to London tomorrow with my mum...
I have been there before and I love it...
I hope the weather is not so cold because I love to wear sexy clothes...
I don't want to look like an eskimo...We plan to be in the UK for two or three weeks...
We will visit my sister in Glasgow and...
I also want to go to Edinburgh because it's a great place...
It's a city for a princess like me...very beautiful...
Hope I meet my prince there hehe...
I want to have time to go to St Andrews as well...
because it is the university of my dreams...
Maybe we will have time for a game of golf too...
I am scared about flying from Thailand though as I hate going on airplanes...
My ears always pop and I get scared being high up...
The food is horrible as well...I've flown a lot in my life but still hate it...
I always get very annoyed with jetlag too...Takes me a long time to adjust...
Dear pets and owner...
I gonna miss all of u so much...
Don't worry I'll have time to go online...Enjoy ur time when I am away...
If someone steals u...Plz! don't cry...I'll take all of u back haha...
I hope everyone remember the house rules...
~~ Angel ~~
Unknown "✰SweetPie✰"
- 17 years, 5 days ago