Above you will find my animal family. Koeshca is my 15 year old Siamese. Diva is my 18 month old Siberian-Munchkin female. Divo is my 18 month old Siberian-Munchkin male. Baby Jaaz is my 6 month old Siberian-Munchkin female. I have a fairly severe allergy to cats. It took me about a month to get use to Koeshca when I first got her. HOWEVER...Siberians are hypoallergetic. They do not carry the gene which produces the dander that people like me are allergic to. My 3 are 3/4's siberian, 1/4 munchkin. They did not inherit the dander gene in their 1/4 munchkin side, so I'm one happy cat woman!!
Unknown "Sexyeyes" Purring
- 17 years, 2 months ago
I had another cat until this past summer. Her name was Jaazmynn. She became very ill and lost a ton of weight in a short time. She went from a 13 pound cat to 3.3 pounds in a matter of a few months. When I put her down, my friend who raises Siberian-Munchkins wanted me to have the family favourite calico of her latest litter. The only catch was I had to name her after Jaazmynn. Baby Jaaz it is! She's much like her big brother, and I affectionately call her...Baby B@stard cat, because I don't know who's the worst for getting into things, and stealing anything small enough to carry away! lol
Unknown "Sexyeyes" Purring
- 17 years, 2 months ago
Diva and Divo came to me through a friend who breeds Siberian-Munchkins last Christmas. They were gifts to my two daughters. Diva is my shy cat. She is quite content to hang out on the top bunk in Jolia's room for much of her day. Coming out to eat, drink and...well, u know. lol Divo is a typical male...he thinks he runs the place. He greets me when I come home, and thinks that my 'pet' name for him is a good thing. I greet him with a silly playful voice by saying..."Hello Divo, B@stard cat." He gets all tall an handsome every time...little does he know! Height wise, he stands to my knee when he's on all fours. Siberians are pretty tall in the cat world.
Unknown "Sexyeyes" Purring
- 17 years, 2 months ago
Koeshca is my favourite of them all...after all she is my first born! She is definately the Queen Sh*t of Turd Island...top cat for sure. I worked at a large pet store in Toronto when she came into my life. She and her 5 bro's and sis's came into the store from a local Catery. I always checked the newcomers out. She came right over to me...and when I left to go back to cash, she bawled. I'd go visit, she'd stop. I'd leave, she'd bawl. After about an hour, my manager asked if I would take her to cash with me. She sat on my shoulder the rest of my shift. I bought her! Good thing too. After i bought her, I took her to be vet checked. She was found to have a "machine-gun" heart beat. It would beat regularly, then go really fast, then back to normal. Work said I could bring her back to be returned to the catery. That would mean she'd be put down. I had no garentee as to her life expectancy, but I kept her anyways. 15 years later, she's starting to slow down. she chose me for a reason.
Unknown "Sexyeyes" Purring
- 17 years, 2 months ago