nestor!! jajaja me siento halagado, gracias por la compra... tengo un ligero problema con el bladder... asi que pon papel periĆ³dico por todos lados eh?
You have been given time to enjoy a glass of Karla Meowlot.
"SuperStar Frodo"
- 17 years, 2 months, 13 days ago
Hey Nestor. I must admit, this pet thing does seem a bit crazy!!! But it's all about getting points so you can add an array of animals to your entourage, so you almost end up with a virtual Noah's Arc :) joking aside, You get points by going through the indignity of an auction - you can put yourself on auction, and you get the points from the highest bidder in return for a favour. I raised a grand total of ....10 points in the last auction i put myslef through. You can also get points by having people thumb your comments. All you have to do to thumb is to click on the thumb next to the comment and you'll get 10 points - the beauty is that you don't lose 10 points if you thumb other people. you can maximse on the thumb thing by buying people, especially your pets gifts, which you can get from the shop. People should usually return the favour.
"SuperStar Frodo"
- 17 years, 2 months, 13 days ago
Hey Nestor. How you doing? i hope you're having a good holiday.
"SuperStar Frodo"
- 17 years, 2 months, 14 days ago