I'm retiring from the Army in about a week and I've decided to review the top ten things I've learned in my short career. Here they are:
10. Booze is a food group.
9. The weather on every military base in the world is controlled by a cruel and evil deity. (That's how they get the land so cheap.)
8. Motrin cures everything.
7. Guns don't kill people. Snipers' bullets do.
6. The middle finger is universal.
5. Never ask how the food you're eating is made, especially overseas. (It's called "foot bread" for a reason and if you're offered a steak but haven't seen a single cow in country...)
4. My friend Kate is worth at least seven camels.
3. It's not stealing if it's left unattended.
2. Never let a moron give you an IV.
1. The self tourniquet from the first aid kid can be used for auto-erotic-asphyxiation.
Unknown "Tiger" Content
- 17 years, 15 days ago