Ok for all u internet, cellphone and any other messaging system N00bies, This is for u :) - Just a friendly hand to get u into the whole Lingo thing :)
Do u ever wonder what all these words and symbols like.... LOL, :), ;P, WTF, ROFL mean, WELL FEAR NO MORE!!!! Just read below for meaning of the mainly used ones
LOL = Laugh out loud............................ :) = Smiley face
ROFL = Roll on floor Laughing.................. ;) = Wink
OMG = Oh my G**!.............................. ;P = Sticking tongue out
IMO = In my opinion............................. :D = BIG smile
ATM = At the moment........................... r = are
WTF = What/Who the F***.................... u = you
BTW = By the Way ..................................... Thx = Thanks
TGIF = Thank G** its Friday.................... TTFN - Ta ta For now (goodbye for now)
Teh = The correct spelling for the commonly misspelled word "The" ;P
N00b/N00bie = Someone that is a novice/new to something (not usually used in a polite manner ;P)
ROFLMAO = Roll on floor laughing my A*** off
STFU = Shut the F*** up
Some gamers like to use Numbers for letters, makes em feel unique I guess, so:
3 = E........... eg L33t (leet meaning elite)
1 = I........... eg G1rl (Girl)
4 = A.......... eg G4m3r (Gamer)
5 = S.......... eg 5h0w m3 (Show me)
0 = O.......... eg 0r4ng3 (Orange)
8 = anything that sounds like it eg, ate - L8er (later)
W3ll 1 h0p3 th15 h45 h3lp3d 4ll u n00b5 0ut LOL ;) well have an AWESOME time chatting to ur mates TTFN :) l8er!
Thx HuiBee for the Idea (ur Tale gave me the Idea) :)
Unknown "huibee's" Cheeky
- 16 years, 11 months, 28 days ago