**This has been brought to you by dream station #68850**
I awoke to a diffused light and a soft buzzing in my ear. Slowly the light focuses into the dull beige of a short pile carpet. My shoulders felt stiff. I don't know why. I puledl at my arm and they were held by something. In a moment I my surroundings became painfully crystal clear. The soft buzzing was a throbbing headache and those damn fluorescent lights. I was in an office cubicle that had been converted into a bizarre dungeon. It was the CityTV station. I never knew that when the government took over that they would change it so much.
I heard the tell-tale click of manacles opening, but that didn't prevent me from landing face first into the dirty carpet floor. I was roughly pulled up by my collar and I stared in the face of Orlando Bloom. To think that James Cameron could get it so wrong. Cyborgs never looked like Arnold. It is Mr. Bloom's face that strikes terror in the populace of the world. But, then I never liked any of his movies anyways.
I was dragged through a futuristic hallway and to this large turbolift. We waited for it to open. It made me wonder why the people in Star Trek never had to wait for their turbolifts. The doors whooshed open and I was blinded by a fluorescent blue flash and was thrown into the corridor wall. I lifted my aching body to my knees and saw the melded silicon head of Mr. Bloom. Good riddance to techno-trash I thought.
In the turbolift was Wal-E holding a smoking particle cannon. His blinking optical orbs seemed to look at me expectantly. I guess he was the calvary and was annoyed at my delay. I trudged into the lift and interfaced myself with the building's system and a service port opened up in the walls of the lift. To think, in Star Wars R2 had to plug himself into wall jacks. Lucas was very short sighted. We tumbled into the service tube and slid a long way down.
As we moved in the darkness I thought back to the beginning of the AI age.
It really began with Dr. Cai from the university of Beijing. He was the first to put together the innovations of Nintendo's Wii Omega system and the breakthroughs in optical computing to build a true thinking machine. What surprised us all was that this technology was not developed through government funding or academia. Dr. Cai was hired and worked solely for an internet porn conglomerate. After the crash of 2012, they where the only firms unaffected. Dr. Cai's first cyborg models were distributed across the thousands of GO-GO-dromes worldwide.
Most people by that time were illiterate, game junkies and most schools were replaced by Nintendo's Virtu-teacher. Few people were aware of the obvious repercussion of messing with AI - that eventually they would figure out that people where inefficient and a waste of Earth's resources. So it caught everyone by surprise when their sexybots revolted and took over.
So we end up here, with me sliding down a service tube following an antique robot. There are 100,000 humans left scattered throughout the globe. Welcome to Earth, home of A.I.
Unknown "Dungeon Master" Loving
- 16 years, 8 months, 21 days ago