Over the summer my friend Antonius had stolen a car and pick me, Jerone, and Shaq from the pool. He didn't tell us that it was stolen. So we went to the moviesand then wentout for a joyride. We didn't get caught til about 2am after about 6 or hours out. We were with my friend Elmer who got a way with Jeronein his car but me, Shaq, and Antonius got caught. The cops had throw hand cuffs on ur so fast we were all like dang. We got takin to the station in beltsville. From there we were told to call our parents and we had a court date on Oct 22. After all that i got probation for year but if iget my name in any police report even a curfew i go to jil till i am 21. So it sucks but i still am out past curfewi just cant give the cops my name if they ask. Everything is good now so i can still hang out after dark and have fun all ght with my friends.I'm happy and can live with what has happened
Unknown "Joey" Frisky
- 17 years, 3 months, 6 days ago