Wow it's been ions since I posted anything.... Summer is here and I'm so not on here as often as I once was.. work . kids.. summer.. swimming.. doing a bit of travelling.. biking.. quadding.. riding.. dang.. who has time to sit inside specially when the weather has been awesome out.. Can't complain about the summer yet.. although it's becoming dryer than a popcorn fart out there.. so ya'll be extra carefull... It's hump Wednesday today so the next person you see .. give em a wink . a smile.. a hug.. a kiss.. a shake of the hand anything... tell em they smell good er something make their day in some way .. I doulbe dog dare ya.. you'll make them feel special and it'll boost your ego .. I love doing that kinda stuff.. it happens so lil these days so I figure if I can make someones day even for a few moments relieve some of the stress thats on their minds my day is complete.. Other than that.. it's coming up canning time.. but with the weather being so nice out.. golly I so dont wanna be indoors making pickles and jams and such .. but I guess it's gotta be done. hmm I gotta go and buy some ladybugs today I have a rose bush that is covered in ants and such and I was told to buy some lady scatter them about the bush and my troubles will be minimilized wish me luck .. I'm willing to try anything the natrual way .. god forbid I spray a pesticide around my nieghbors would have my head on a platter Im sure.. lol .. well I should scoot I gotta get ready to take the boys to their prospective drum and guitar lessons.. They are pretty happy campers each of them got their drum set and new guitar and amp .. good lord now if I could just get them to not be so shy and sing their lil hearts out.. I might have something here.. hehehe...anywhoo have a groovie day .. be good and remember find that giggle and help someone else find theirs.. toodles..
Unknown Purring
- 16 years, 8 months, 5 days ago
G'morning .. it's Thirsty Thursday .. the weather is spectacular.. so I'm off to spend some quality time out and about .. you all have a spectacular day .. dont get too much sun if your out there.. make sure ya'll use sun screen (hahaha oops thats the mommy in me coming out) .. I will be pretty busy through out the weekend so I may not be on much .. however I will be back in full swing on Monday .. Till then be good and stay safe.. and whatever you do during the weekend be sure to find your giggle.. hehe. For those of you poppin into my lil tickle trunk I'd lke to THANK YOU here.. Thanking you individually as I've been so trying to do is becoming overwhelming.. so please know that I'm noticing your poppin in and I GREATLY appreciate any and all of your purchases.. (hugs) stop by anytime.. :
Unknown Purring
- 16 years, 9 months, 9 days ago
G'morning my fellow pets and owners.. It's fantastic Hump Day!! yayyy 2 more sleeps till the weekend.. (hehe) If you dont have something planned get on it .. it's supposed to be pretty good weather here I have the whole weekend from friday morning till Sunday night all figured out.. hehehe.. I have a few projects that need to be completed yep chores..ie projects.. however on Sunday we'll be going out paintballing again .. we'll see if I can go another round without any bruises.. lol Today is a get organized and re-arrange day within my office by weeks end I hope to have a brand new office (least in look if not in comfort) .. I need a handy man to come and help me.. I want some furniture /shelving built .. ooo and I sooo want one of those hide away beds made. yano the kind that looks like a pantry, you open up the doors and voila a bed falls down .. yup right in my office.. oooo pfft dont be thinking naughty thoughts.. it's for company nothing more.. sheesh .. perverted minds As I'm sure a few of you have noticed I started a store.. its called my lol tickle trunk .. seems as tho a few have stopped by and purchased a few odds and sodds.. THANK YOU so much for supporting my lil endevour.. I will be updating it as often as I can. Anywhoo I must toodle off get my butt in gear Have a super fantastic Hump Day!! ~~Be Good & Stay Safe~~
Unknown Purring
- 16 years, 9 months, 10 days ago
G'morning my fellow pets... it's a cloudy day today so I'm gonna be spending it indoors getting a few much needed chores done that I've been putting off.. I will check back now and again to see how things are a brewin on here.. hehe.. I have to say ya'll are very friendly .. thank you for being such wonderful people !! I hope your day goes well and your evening goes better.. stop by any time.. leave a messege telling me whats new whats not.. who's who . I look forward to hearing from you alllllll.. (welll not all billion of ya. but yano what I mean)
Unknown Purring
- 16 years, 9 months, 11 days ago
This is my first go at a tale.. so right of the get go I'm going to say a sweet sincere Hello to all you creatures and pets ... This application seems to be a very intriguing/active and fun way to meet people I am here to merely find my giggle and help you finds yours.. If you can drop by and leave some much needed and accepted advice on the ins and outs of this fun filled wilderness while scouting about I would greatly appreciate it. And if you feel the need to snuggle for a bit..rest your weary head.. by all means.. your more than welcome to do so .. !!
Unknown Purring
- 16 years, 9 months, 12 days ago