It was such a test any person could quest While searching the soul within; To take the road that nobody chose Was quite the perpetual sin. But I took my chance, without second glance, And decided to head down the road.
I settled to leave on midsummer's eve, Though not knowing what paths lay before me But much to my terror, I made such an error Of picking the one full of trees. They made such big phantoms as the wind played its anthem But I wearily made my way through.
Yet this forest of grief, filled with new fallen leaf Gave a chill from my head to my toes. Just where to begin of what lay within I'm sure that nobody knows.
As I walked with closed eyes, hoping I wouldn't die With every unknown step I took, I thought of such things, such terrible things The ones often found in great books Of when the hero unknown, becomes all alone Without his trusty guide; But when I opened my eyes, they all became lies As I found myself still standing inside.