
"Squishy "
Name: |
Ryan C, 43/Male
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 6:51 AM |
Join date: | 17 years, 5 months, 12 days ago |
Location: | Belfast United Kingdom
"Short and loving it." |
About me:
Right you can see what i look like. Besides that i'm from the north of Ireland work with ships ,and play rugby when not injured. Like a drink as people do in this small island.
About you:
whoever whenever all is good as long as you like a laugh.
Looking for: | Friendship |
Orientation: | Straight
| Herds (lead): | Herd of The Thumb God | Herds: | ANIME LOVERS, Final Fantasy Lovers, Hanna's Thumbers Paradise, Filiz's herd, Michaels thumbs, Ryan's, ★ Suvi's Dungeon ★, Henry's Humble Helpfull Herd, Meg's Place, Caravan of Crazies, S-J'S THUMB'S, S-J's Appreciators!, Neda's Fan Herd, Random Rants & Rambles, Blue's Ice water |
31910 pts
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Ryan's tales
Spank buddies I dont know really how to phrase this without sounding like a deviant weirdo. Basically the genesis began with talking about using your ass as some kind of canvas for writing various messages on, and the possibility as a new and exciting way of communicating from one person to the next. But what would you write on said ass and should you use a soft tipped pen for obvious reasons. Either way the main and most likely message would be a simple request. Spanking to be applied liberally over current area. I discussed all this with my now first Spank buddy Jewel. A person in this role acts much like a pen pal telling you of their day to day lives troubles and thoughts, but with the subtle difference that it revolves solely around spanking themed genres. There is a good chance that i have gone on yet another random rant due to lack of sleep and an over indulgence of coffee. But sure its all a bit of fun. Remember spanking is for life not just for Christmas
Ryan C "Squishy " Frisky
- 15 years, 2 months, 24 days ago
Caveman inventions Right ok reamember what i said about the madness thats been taking over recently. Well now its starting to take scary form. The first of these where what kind of inventions did cavemen make and why, did they succeed or did they fail. Lets take a look at a one of them. The Washing rock The first form of this invention was the comfort rock. Used primarily to comfort caveman in times of need, u knw while sleeping or something to look at when you poo (much like a paper). Now the creation of the washing rock would be brought about by cavewomen trying to get their men to wash. We all konw that men have an inherent fear of washing, only recently changed through modern age. Now the first few attempts to wash there men ended in tragedy. The cavemen ushered into the river where swept away by the strong currrents never to be seen again. Many men died and it was near the end of our race. We where rescued from extinction in prehistory by a now forgotten individual who i shall call Mukface. Mukface had just had a very violent poo while staring at his comfort rock. As he picked up his rock for a hug Miss Mukface ushered him into the swirling madness of the river. Young Mukface frightened and now wet walked further into the river but strangely did not float off like all his friends before him. However he walked too far in and while being washed by miss Mukface drowned while holding his rock. This was where a further innovation came in and cavewomen realised that once passed out under water the cavemen could be revived by hitting them on the chest with the use of a resurrection club if used within three minutes of unconciousness. Thus the washing rock was invented saving many many lives. This also explains modern mans fascination with holding or washing his balls while in a shower or bath. These modern day comfort rocks/washing rocks are held from some racial memory to prevent us washing away in the currents of vast rivers. So there we have it folks. Why who knows i need more sleep
Ryan C "Squishy " Frisky
- 15 years, 9 months, 28 days ago
The origin of humming.... Ok guys i've rediscovered the glory of writing and theres some things that i have needed to rant about for a while. So we'll get started with the origins of humming. Which means more talwe So it was the usual kind of day when my madness strikes i was humming rather vacantly some tune i'd heard on the radio. When i looked at a picture of a caveman. So my sleep deprived brain started to wonder. What did are neanderthall predecessors hum. There was more than likely no music back in the prehistory of our planet, men and women having more pressing concerns, what of trying to carve out a life that wouldnt see our race dissappear in the blink that has been our existence. But in those idle moments when chopping wood, skinning the recent kill or lulling a child to sleep surely someone somewhere started with a hum followed by one of a slighlty different note. Could this have been the genesis of music in our species. Starting with a simple hum to soothe a dozing babe. Then the beat of a club on the ground, followed by the clap of hands. Then suddenly someones up dancing round the fire and our rituals start to bring forth the idea of worship of dark cold gods. Or is it more simple and they hummed the theme from the flinstones. Who knows or cares. Hope you enjoyed the madness. Ry
Ryan C "Squishy " Frisky
- 15 years, 10 months, 1 day ago
THE GOOCH AND THE MYSTERY BEHIND IT IN MODERN SOCIETY You may have heard of the gooch, gooching, goochee or goucher in your local bar or from a friend. You may never have heard of it all. But now you are asking yourself what exactly is all the hype about. Well for all you uninformed out there, the gooch is a small bit of skin that runs from a mans doodle to his anthole. The reason there has been so much to talk about is the sheer impossibility to clean this area fully, due to all the man parts that prevent easy accessibility. This is most frustating for the modern man. But new ideas are always being produced and help is on the way. This is where the goocher comes into play, this selfless individual who is usuallly another male with the aid of gooch spoons, will assist you by lifting your doodle and spuds out of the way leavin the goochee's hands free so he may give his gooch the exfoliating scrub it most surely needs. This is executed through the use of the gooch brush, a curved instrument much like a shoe horn with soft bristles or a ribbed area to get at that most hard to reach area. So if you're having problems getting your gooch as clean as you would like. Get yourself a goocher and join us in the growing phenomenon which is gooching. Other available aids include gooch gel, soap and goocher and goochee caps so no man gets confused to his role. If you have any further questions on gooching or any of the products ask myself or my esteemed colleague Jamie Henderson and we'll gladly inform you on any information you require. Ryan Cleland
Ryan C "Squishy " Frisky
- 16 years, 10 months, 1 day ago
the beyonder was beyond it and he stalked towards the house that held the man who never came back
Ryan C "Squishy " Frisky
- 17 years, 8 days ago
Ry's Big Shap Of Shopping
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