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"Can't help it"
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Unknown's tales
Thoughts to ponder...... Ok heres what I was wondering??? and please feel free to share you thoughts on this. I was in dairy queen the other day with my kids(7yr old, 5yr old, and 3yr old,) and A friend of mine with her 3 yr old daughter. We are sitting there eating ice cream and the music was playing in the background. You know the background music they play.. and the song come on feel the noise comes on. Not the radio version either, the version where it say come on feel the noise girls F***k your boys. I was shocked !!!! This is a family resturant for gods sake! So I went up to the counter and asked if they could please change the musoc so my kids didnt have to listen to that. The teenager behind the counter didnt understand why I wanted it changed. I finally had to say because I had my kids with me and didnt think they needed to hear f**k in every other word of that song. Why is it ok to have that be the "norm"? When did things get so messed up? Bitch and screwed are words that are the norm in movies now a days too. It drives me nuts!! You can watch ABC family and hear that kind of talk. The television stations have ratings for shows and parental blocks based on those rating, but how much tv would we have if we blocked everything out that had that kind of laungage in it?? It just makes me angry!!
Unknown "hottie"
- 17 years, 1 month, 14 days ago
Things I hate.... Ok so Im sitting here again. Could be going laundry, or cleaning house,and yet Iam here. Not sure if thats good or bad. Not sure what amazing thoughts I have for you today but Im sure something will come to mind. Ok losers and users. They really tick me off. What gives lazy people the right to mooch off others?? I believe that if your over the age of 18 you should contribute something to the world. Get a job. Simple enough right? Apperently a difficult concept for some to understand. My theme for the day? Things that tick me off. Ok here goes..........lazy people who rot away doing nothing with their lives, and are content with that. Drunks who just cant say the sentence "thanks but I've had enough" . People who preech to other about their wrong-doings while living questionable lives themselves. Little "boys" driving 25 down main so everybody can hear the bass booming from their speakers so they can seem cool. Even though the car they are driving belongs to mommy and daddy. Demanding birthday gifts from others because you think you are"owed" them. People who dont say please and thank you. people who DO say please and thank you and dont mean it. People who make themselves feel bigger by belittling others. people who have the nerve to talk behind your back and dont have the guts to do it to your face. People who look down on you while keeping their noses in the air. Old people who look at me like a child abuser for spanking my child in public. ( I went through labor and delivery 3 times. I earned that right and more!) Men who sleep with girls half their age. why? cause no grown woman would have them ?? Men who kill a poor animal just for an "awsome" picture and a rug for their floor. all women a size 4 and smaller who have blonde hair, perfect skin and daddys money. Lanudry that says "no ironing needed" but really you have to iron it so it dosent look like crap. People who cut in line. People who let people cut in line.The price of popcorn at the theater. Bad drivers. People who think its ok to do 80mph in a 60mph or 25mph in a 40mph. Pre-pay pumps at the gas station. People who steal gas so that those of us that do pay have to do it before we pump. cell phone company's who sign you up for a $40 dollar plan and then charge you $200 cause you "went over".Barney, bob the builder theme song, teletubbies, and any other kid show where the main character is a grown man in an animal costume. Ok so thats just a few, but you get the idea....................feel free to add to the list if I have left anything out.
Unknown "hottie"
- 17 years, 1 month, 25 days ago
Ok Iam back again to share some thoughts.Waking up with coffee, no sugar and no milk. Its like having a ciggerette and no lighter. It kinda sets the mood for the day. And the mood is crappy!! You know what else I hate?? well Im gonna share...........Posers. You know the type. The ones that talk all nice to your face and roll thier eyes when you leave, or talk shit about you to everybody that will listen just because their lives are so small and so meaningless that they have to have that gossip "fix" to get through the day. Cowards I say!! What the hell is wrong with people that we have to do this? When did it become ok to talk crap about people behind their back? I would much rather hear from sombody that I was being a bitch that day then to hear from 15 people that someone called me a bitch behind my back. Cause if Iam being bitchy, Im probably aware of it, its hard work you know being bitchy. And I have been known a time or two that I can vaugly recall of being bitchy, or rude and deserved the title of superiour bitch. I think that it takes more guts to confront people that to spread lies!! and obviously we are a country of cowards!!!! So if your reading this and you are the gossip, ...bite me, and if your reading this and you have been the gossipee welcome to my small little disfunctional world! Sure wish I had my coffee this morning.
Unknown "hottie"
- 17 years, 1 month, 25 days ago
vacations and more
yummy snacks and yummy vacations
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