"200 signs"Emo
- 16 years, 4 months, 10 days ago
hi i thought about my tat for awhile to make sure it was what i wanted since it lasts for ever, it did hurt but not to bad and oh yeah i want more at least two more just not sure what yet. i really like tats and piercings i think they are cool. i live in the united states in michigan. the weather for the last couple days has been nice but last winter with the wind it got down to -27 and i hate the cold. its pretty for christmas but i wish it lasted only a day. :) well were i live its nice and very quiet, i live in a small town that nobody has ever heard but it does get very boring here and hard to meet ppl. so how about your town whats it like, is it crowded there. u seem cool im glad we talked :)
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"Thing four"SoMeThInG wIcKeD tHiS wAy CoMeS
- 16 years, 4 months, 10 days ago
hi well im good and thank you the tat is my first one i just got it recently. so how r u today. i see u r from united kingdom whats it like over there.
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"Thing four"SoMeThInG wIcKeD tHiS wAy CoMeS
- 16 years, 4 months, 10 days ago