My pet name is Little Jonny.he is a Great Dane family.i know that u people astonish 2 know,why my dog call as "Little Jonny".Actually the name Little is given,for his bravery at the age of 6 months.i bought him home when he was 1 months old.he was very silent.i never heard his barking sound till his birth.He always eat in time n take rest.So i was so afraid 2 take him for an hour of walking outside.cos there are lots of street dogs in my area.Once i have taken him outside for a walk.without my knowledge,mistakelly i have taken him a miles away from my home.where i was surrounded my three street dogs.I was helpless,cos my dog is very young n coward.i dont know what 2 do,in order 2 save my dog n me.they tree dogs charged at us.but in that fraction of second,my dog biten them n chased them away.i was couldn't believe my own eyes,that my dog fought.So always dont thing that,ur pets r useless.they will help u when u need them.
Unknown "Dhampire" Peaceful
- 17 years, 2 months, 10 days ago