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Herds: Dark Carnival, Careful...... We Bite, MENTAL,RANDOM,EVIL AND SCARY, The Charnel House, Puppy Thumbs, UnitedNations of Long Haired Men, Deborah's Dark Lair..., Hellmeisters Festivals

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Unknown's tales
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This is written to all Arabs in the World...

Please, if my Thoughts defend YOU, just DON'T BOTHER me with YOUR whining! I AM NON OF YOU! hell only cause I might LIVE in EGYPT yet DOES not MEAN I am EGYPTIAN NOR MOSLEM so STOP BUGGING me WITH YOUR RELIGION!
IF you GUYS Do NOT like what I think about YOUR GOD JEEZ THAN MOVE ON and search for any OTHER ''GIRL'' in EGYPT.
I AM NOT searching for ANY FRIEND in Egypt and I am definitely NOT searching for YOU!
Thanks for the time you took your self to read this little note.

Btw... if you did not understand this part... than GET YOUR SELF A DICTIONARY!

This is not meant to be any racist crime, you are just not welcomed! Thanks.

The other ones who are not trying to get to know me cause of my looks or feel offended by me... well welcome to talk to me...
Unknown "Nephthys" Sad - 17 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
(My newest art, thought it is short, but yet thanks to Daryl who has inspired me to write it. A kiss to you and a warm thanks)

Dominated Destiny

A dagger, a sweet sensation of cold,
Nothing else I want to hold.
Pressed close to my skin to be,
Anyone there, anyone to see?

Feeling the heartbeat so calm,
Feeling the blood flow, sensationally warm.
Looking up into your eyes,
Watching as your fake smile dies.

Glare now changing into shock,
In my memory to be locked.
My eyes now shut in slow motions,
Loosing all my cautions.

There you lost your bitter sweet,
Nothing else for you to keep.
But a dead body left in the dark,
Which was stepped by a dagger, right into her heart.

Unknown "Nephthys" Sad - 17 years, 2 months, 2 days ago

I’m sitting in my dorm,
Inside it’s cozy warm.
You can see the weather changing,
The god’s, once more, are raging.

Winter once more comes along,
The silence out in the forest so wrong.
The life outside now starts to hide,
That’s the way of nature, all so right.

My eyes find there way back to the chimney,
The heat is spreading around my room so glimpse.
Stars build out of ice,
The fog now starts to rice.

Every body part seems to quiver,
Even the twigs seems to shiver.
Soon you will see the first sight of snow,
I can tell, it’s a magical show.

There you will see the snowflakes ascending down,
The ice queen has put on her grown.
The weather now getting colder every now and than,
Soon the water flow will stop to run.

Odin used to set up the past,
But the seasons, they would last.
The beauty which I will see,
Will lead me to eternity.

Unknown "Nephthys" Sad - 17 years, 2 months, 18 days ago
The winter of my soul,

I have crushed in my life to many times,
I did see in the sky, thy velvet lines.
Deleting my feelings constantly,
Destroyed is my build up boundary.

The angels had fall, to many there,
The winter approached nothing to care.
My eyes used to sparkle like stars,
My body left with ugly scars.

Once more I raise the knife at me,
Bloody lines I face to see.
But the feelings, they have been left out,
Left me back, with rising doubts.

My tears run down the tortured cheek,
My heart is to strong, my soul to weak.
Once more, a crave yard cross been set,
Once more, a feeling ends up dead.

Will I end up with sparkling eyes?
Or is my life set up of lies?
Where has it been, my angels sight?
Where is the one, to lead me right?

Out of the cold, into the light,
Have I lost thy guardian sight?
The wings he once spread over me,
Nothing there left to see.

I set up a candle in my room,
Will the saving light die off soon?
The flame, dancing around the shadows wildly,
But the shadows are feeding on them ever so slightly.

When will I stop this deadly run?
Will I ever reach my sun?
Had my first taken breath been my sin?
Will happiness overtake my heart and win?

To many answers left been out,
What is this life all about?
Nobody there to hear my bleeding scream,
Nobody there sees me loosing my life scheme.

The lights now erase,
Blindness left to face.
My bleeding soul left to remain,
My life… will never be the same.

Unknown "Nephthys" Sad - 17 years, 2 months, 18 days ago
Waiting through my loneliness

A cold wind is surrounding,
My feelings are no longer counting.
Some thing is trying to haunt me down,
Escaping is my disgusting frown.

Looking down at my hand,
All I can see is a deserted land.
Feelings passing away so fast,
The pain inside, is forever to last.

I loved him some eras ago,
I’d lost him within a painful flow.
A flow colored black turned red,
I’m seeing a body, since a long time dead.

Imaging a knife in my other hand,
Try to implement some life within my deserted land.
Once more I will see the blood flow,
My stare, magnified toward the presented show.

Trying to remember the feelings I once had,
Did I turn completely mad?
I can’t remember, I can not feel,
I know that this external wound will heal.

But what about the part that died along with him?
What about the pain which became my sin?
Is it really a sin for me to feel?
When will my wounds finally heal?

Day by day,
In a cold coven, I lay.
Crying inside, hoping him to hear,
I’m waiting that he will finally take away my fear.

The years have passed by,
The days I was able to cry.
The chaos took over me,
Made me scared to open my eyes and see.

Another time the knife I rise,
Once more a part of me will die.
I can feel him near to me,
I’m opening the eyes for me to see.

Moving my body toward him,
I’m feeling him touching my chin.
Looking within his deep blue eyes,
I can feel my body finally dies.

But this time a smile will last on my face,
While I’m responding his lovingly glace.
Letting him to lead our way,
The time has come, to turn out gay.

Unknown "Nephthys" Sad - 17 years, 2 months, 18 days ago
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Angel Routt
just stopped by to say hey
Angel Routt "Angel" Adored - 16 years, 29 days ago
Aaron Rose
Way too long if you are asking me!
I am well thanks. And yourself?
Aaron Rose "orange pillow" Confused - 16 years, 4 months, 12 days ago
Alexander Graesser
random comment #23) *boiled* You have been boiled
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 6 months, 7 days ago
Aaron Rose
Lol, will just have to start again some other time =P
You have been given OMG!!!.
Crafted by Treize Zou
Aaron Rose "orange pillow" Confused - 16 years, 6 months, 19 days ago
Aaron Rose
Well I don't remember a thing if that at all helps lol
Aaron Rose "orange pillow" Confused - 16 years, 6 months, 19 days ago
Aaron Rose
You lost trace? What about me?
Hello! :D
Aaron Rose "orange pillow" Confused - 16 years, 6 months, 19 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Scarabae's Cave

A little bit of this and that... You can never tell what it is, unless you did not try it.

No shop items.

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