So... i had a customer at work today.. i asked him for a certine amount of change.. and he said "of course michelle " one.. we don't wear name tags so i was seriously confused so i sai " you know my name" as i play iwht my necklace... he then said" your necklace " i swear i had a serious blonde moment....!!! So i'm guessing my uncle was right about that necklace i have it so i don't forget my name....=S Unknown"Mychella bella "Lazy
- 16 years, 11 months, 1 day ago
Unknown"Mychella bella "Lazy
- 16 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
So im not getting why these girls that keep messaging me . You honestly don't know me don't send me rude messages.! Grow up ..!your how old..?? Obviously I'm NOT going to listen to you, because i don't give a PHUCK what you have to say? "respect"the game and the people.Honestly...IT'S JUST A GAME!but remember i just an ex girlfriend... nd you a super cool juggalette BOOFUCKINGYAY for you!Do you feel special Because i sure as hell think you aren't! Anyways move on with your life and do yourself a favour!Don't message me until you grow up. I think thats a fair enough deal!
Unknown"Mychella bella "Lazy
- 16 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
And... I don't Sniff Butts!
Unknown"Mychella bella "Lazy
- 17 years, 2 days ago
I just like to say i'm NOT!!!!!! a Clit licker!!!Crazy jason likes to pick on me......
Unknown"Mychella bella "Lazy
- 17 years, 3 days ago