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EXAM PERIOD! wont be around for a while~
leave me a message or sumthing and ill get back to you after the exams ^^

Unknown "松くん" Sleepy - 16 years, 4 months, 6 days ago
25日のLive最高!!!! =D
全部完璧だった、みんなもなか俺たちのShowを気にしてるし ^^
写真あればUploadします~ 多分俺の写真はまたないと思いますけど
そのLiveの写真は友達にもらってUpload する~ FOOL"S COMPANY 最高!! =D

The live show on the 25th was awesome!! =D
everything was perfect! and everyone seemed to like the show we did.
ill upload pics if there is~ doubt theres gona be pics of me but get the pics from the night and upload them ~~ FOOL'S COMPANY !!! AWESOME >< !!!

Unknown "松くん" Sleepy - 16 years, 4 months, 11 days ago
gona be playing in two bands tomorrow
1. for Chantell (solo singer)
2. My own band ^^

will be playing 3 songs for each
for Chantell - her own song, and two covers
(HOOBASTANK's - the reason) (CRANBERRIES - zombie)
My band - no covers, our own stuff

guess who's not gona be sleeping tonight~
....................(ME!!!!!!!) (-_-)

Unknown "松くん" Sleepy - 16 years, 4 months, 15 days ago
Oh my gosh i just found out that i have to be backup vocal for this chicky that im playing for on saturday the 25th OCT.
i have a day to learn the song, work out backup vocals sections, and play her song in a day -_-
may someone pls shoot me!
Unknown "松くん" Sleepy - 16 years, 4 months, 15 days ago
昨日のLiveが最悪だった~~~ Sound Checkの頃全部完璧に聞こえただったね でLive始まった時いきなり何でも働いてなかった -_- Monitorsあんまり働いてなかったから俺自分何弾いてるか全然聞こえなかった、Vocalの声も全然聞こえなかったし Key ChangeのどころとかVerseかChorusを歌ってるか全然わからなかった、で最後の最後まで Vocal の人が勝ってにもう3曲歌うを決めた。 全然練習してなかったの曲なのに歌った。 あいつが俺のGuitar聞こえないのままでImprovise してをほしかったんだ。
無理の事だけどやってた。 -_- まぁぁ。。 俺自分のバンドじゃないからどうでもいいんだけど くそな感じだった。

Yesterdays live was horrible -_- everything was perfect during sound check. but when the show started later that night nothing went right -_- the monitors werent working properly so i couldnt hear myself play on stage, i couldnt hear the vocalist so i had to guess the key changes and when he was singing verse or chorus, and lastly the stupid guy decides to sing 3 songs the band has never heard or or practiced and he expected me to improvise on stage -_-
was almost an impossible but i had to do it anywayz.
well its not my band so i dont really givea damn, but felt really shitty.

Unknown "松くん" Sleepy - 16 years, 4 months, 15 days ago
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Happy new year sushi san..
its in
cant find any in japanese..

You have been given ღhappy new yearღ.
Crafted by Naughty Sabrina
Pinkie "Pocket rocket" Sparkling - 16 years, 2 months, 7 days ago

You have been given *Welcome Back* Flowers for U....
Crafted by mingz
Tammy "pheonix" ~幸せ ~ - 16 years, 2 months, 14 days ago

You have been given Wishing U a warm Christmas.
Crafted by Pinkie
Pinkie "Pocket rocket" Sparkling - 16 years, 2 months, 15 days ago

You have been given I love my owner! :).
Crafted by Unknown
Tammy "pheonix" ~幸せ ~ - 16 years, 3 months, 4 days ago
Enjoying your holiday?
Pinkie "Pocket rocket" Sparkling - 16 years, 3 months, 8 days ago

You have been given noogies.
Crafted by Polar Jeffy
Pinkie "Pocket rocket" Sparkling - 16 years, 3 months, 8 days ago
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