A bad seed sneaked in my heart and started to grow. Very soon it became so strong and enormous that my heart couldn't take it no more. The parasite felt the danger,It knew that in order to survive it must go further. My heart cracked open and spit him out, the stream brought it into my head where wisdom an magic of my mind rules. The mind tricked the wicked seed and now it sleeps inside ...and it is shrinking without even knowing it...It dreams about what never will be in reality but does exist in eternity...I'll let him dwell inside me. A desert needs every single grain of it's send.
Unknown "Ma mystérieuse " Sparkling
- 16 years, 11 months ago
I am a gourmet...and also a great cook...I felt the hunger and desire and I made a special cake,so creamy and delicious...so tasty...filled with the best ingredients of my being...but hunger hasn't prevailed,this time.The cake is still standing,nibbled but never truly tasted. I lost my appetite, sounds stupid and definitely is but I can't help it...I cook with my soul and nourish with my heart...and both are filled up with emptiness...there's no room for anything else...
Unknown "Ma mystérieuse " Sparkling
- 16 years, 11 months ago
And Suddenly I fell into a pit...but it wasn't so surprising…oh,no…it was all my fault…something wicked came to me that day…and I embraced it, thinking that good will prevail…one more time…I was wrong…
Unknown "Ma mystérieuse " Sparkling
- 16 years, 11 months, 5 days ago
One upon a time I was a little girl...and guess what? I never grew up :) Still living in Neverland... :)
Unknown "Ma mystérieuse " Sparkling
- 16 years, 11 months, 6 days ago