A German, another one and an Austrian walk by the street.
Suddenly Jesus passes by on the other side of the road.
The first German approaches and says:
"I´ve such a terrible arm and can´t move it, because it hurts. Can you heal me?"
Jesus touches the arm and the man´s arm is healed.
The second German hobbles over the street after he saw, what Jesus did to the first one and asked for his hurting leg.
Jesus touches the leg and the man´s also healed.
The Austrian does nothing, so Jesus came over the street to him and asked him:
"..And you, my son, what can I do for you?"
and gets a sudden reply from the Austrian:
"!!!Don´t you touch me!!! I´m away sick!"
Unknown "Blindfolded" Loyal
- 17 years, 2 days ago