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"Dong Chip"
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Unknown's tales
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She stood still, frozen from disbelief of what she had done, and upright, as if in the company of a royal, stiff and unflinching. Her hair, a satin layer of heaven that covered the length of her narrow back, was a white-blonde, like the rays of the sun penetrating through a dense fog. Her pale complexion was accented only by her eyes, maroon with baby-blue around the outside that slit towards the pupil, like a blood star that had gone supernova, and her lips, a dark crimson matched in beauty and grace by nothing except the mighty phoenix itself. She moved through crowds like a shadow on a cloudy night, unseen and unheard, viewing all in her presence and seeing deeply into their souls. Her physique, having all shapes known to man, and some unknown, was perfect in proportion with her height and stature. She, this perfect specimen of the human body, mind, and spirit, this sculpture of Pygmalion, this muse to all artists, was a vampire. She, being a beast of the night, was controlled, unwillingly, by her hunger. She stood on a dock, moldy and unused for quite some time, in a wharf that had been abandoned, most likely because of the rise of her kind. The wharf had a sense of home to her. The dock was the place she went to reflect, inspired by the drifting motion, like that of a silk veil flowing in a stream, yet it stayed in place. She watched the horizon, waiting for dawn. Consumed by her sorrow, she had nothing else to live for; she had bitten the only child she had birthed. The human child of that immortal goddess lay at her feet, whimpering with unfocused eyes, as his life bled into the ocean. When the sun's rays struck her, a single tear fell from her soft, colorless cheek. She exploded, with such grace that it was as though angel's had blown their dust on the enchanted site, the wind carrying her ashes out to sea.

Unknown Hungry - 17 years, 1 month, 13 days ago
Prequel to "Untitled"

Wam blood trickles down her neck. Screaming in agony as she feels her spirit leave. Hand grasping at the wound, hoping to stop the leak in her life. Stumbling forward she emerges, finally, from the alley behind her house, the field at her back singing with the chorous of the night animals. Just a few more steps...

Her body contracts into the fetal position, contorting and spasming. Writhing in pain a hot wave of death engulfs her, boiling her blood, her eyes unfocusing. Was this it? Was she going to die? Was she not going to be there for her child who was safe and warm in his bed not but a few yards ahead? Tears stream down her face as she forces herself up to her knees, taking her last moment to pary, hoping for atonement. She exhaled her last living breathe at the utterance of "Amen" and fell to the ground.

The limp body lying in the middle of the backyard was soon accompanied. A unknown force, neither living nor dead, passes it. The figure of Death stands over her body, tall, handsome, glowing with a warm white light, clad in robes of royal blue and purple. He takes his hand and gently strokes the woman's cheek, now void of color and warmth.

Her eyes open instantly and gaze at the safe, comforting smile of the one who is to lead her to the next phase of life. He helps her to her feet. As she stands she seems weightless, glowing, with no pain, she is totally numb to all feelings. Not understanding how this can be, she looks back at the spot in which she was laying, only to see her body lying on the ground, stiff and cold.

Death places a hand on her should, she somehow feels warmth. She gazes into his eyes and knows what he wants to say, but no words are spoken. She has a choice, one which needs to be made now, to leave this life and enter the next, or to stay, although she doesn't understand how. Behind Death, in the field, a sudden paradise appears. Royal purple trees, the shade that has been lost to mortal eyes for centuries, a crystal lake, and loved ones of the past fill this utopia. She takes a step forward. No more pain, or bills? No more working double shifts at the cafe just to feed her son? What more could she ask for.

With another step she halted. Not feeling but knowing that she loved her son. How would he continue on? He was only six. Would he be taken care of? This was a strange moment for her. How could she decide when she was literally dead to the world? She couldn't feel love nor hate, hot nor cold? All she had was her logic.

She turns and looks Death in the face, his safe smile, his deep green eyes, and soft brown hair, all filled with an instinct of knowing. With a final expression that no man or woman on earth could ever imagine, one of understanding and love that does not exist on this earth, Death lowers her back onto the ground and into her body. He turns on his heal and is gone.

She gasps for air, filling her lungs once more. She is reborn, but how? She rolls onto her back, heaving in the fresh, moist, cool air of night, a smile on her face until her chest shoots into the air and pain fills ever millimeter of her body. Fire burning her insides, a slow dark, oozing liquid making its way through her veins. Something was wrong......something was changing.

Unknown Hungry - 17 years, 1 month, 13 days ago
Ohne Dich

Wann koennen wir wieder zusammen sein? Ich habe gewartet und habe versucht zu vergessen aber ich kann ohne dich nicht fortsetzen. Meine Gefoehle, fuer dich bleiben, aber mein Hertz sagt lass dich gehen. Du hast Glueck gefunden, was mehr kann ich fragen? Warum kann ich dich nicht loslassen? Bitte gib mir Kraft. Du foltest mich unbewusst aber ich halte noch an den kleinen Momenten fest, sehn ich mich nach dir und plaedier fuer den Schnerz, so dan erlichtes werde. Kann ich lassen gehen? Nein. Werde ich fuer das Beste wuenschen? Ja. Alles, das ich machen kann, ist sitzen und hoffen und warten bis ich schliesslich mit dir noch einmal darf bin. Jenen schicksalhaten Tag den wir haben versprochen zu einander, oder hast du vergessen? Wurde ich verlassn, um fuer mich slbst kaempfen. Versuche ich, einen velorenen Traum in ein seitigen Schlacht zu leben? Hilf mir. Gib mir Kraft. Gib mich frei.

Unknown Hungry - 17 years, 1 month, 13 days ago

Sleepless nights and stormy weather
Yet your ams still hold me
The colder the wind howls and moans
The tighter you hang on
I am with you and we have each other
Forever it is us
Your heartbeat calms me
Your breathes lull me into comfort
I am happy and safe
Then I wake up

Unknown Hungry - 17 years, 1 month, 13 days ago
I don't want excuses any longer
We both feel with one heart
How can fear over power this
What was wrong with what we had
You quiver at the sight of remorse
The pain is shared between us
So why do you still push away
Can you not accept me once again
Let me into your arms to feel safe
Comfort me with your words
I just want you here with me
You left and I can barely continue
Do you not see that you were a foundation
My entire happiness was built on you
I am left to struggle
Toppling in the cold night that is my life
Reaching out for a steadying grip
I am searching to fill a hole
A hole you left that will not be the same
I may not have you to mend this wound
But I still won't forget what we had
How did fear destroy what we had?

Unknown Hungry - 17 years, 1 month, 13 days ago
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milk - it does a body good - and from the looks of your body - you have had alot of it
You have been fed milk.
Unknown Trusting - 17 years, 6 days ago
trying to keep my baby healthy

You have been fed milk.
Unknown Trusting - 17 years, 8 days ago
Coony, this strange boi on your page keeps stealing you from me! O.O

Unknown "Tonys Pet ©2008" Playful - 17 years, 19 days ago
Happy Valetine's Day... no i dont have someone to cuddle with.. i hope u do
GNOME "Sweet Pea" Purring - 17 years, 20 days ago
You're very welcome. :o) Thank you for the compliment as well. I don't hear that I'm beautiful that often these days.
Unknown "Boobarella:- P" Peaceful - 17 years, 20 days ago
Love the photo of you with only your tie in color. :o)

I thought you should know. :oD
Unknown "Boobarella:- P" Peaceful - 17 years, 20 days ago
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