Emotional Vampires
Like leaches, they latch on.
Draining us of all our worth!
With tentacles of despair,
The life force is drained,
Their pray unaware!
Our Aura dims,
As they draw our light away,
Sapping our energy fields,
To feed themselves this way!
They reel us in,
Telling us of their plight,
Of their ill health,
That’s why they need our light!
Lies they tell us, the truth is little known,
Their ego is failing,
Their afraid of being alone!
Love & light portrayed,
On a computer screen,
But what lays behind,
The venerable never see!
A self centred person,
Small minded, with no faith,
They tell you they know everything,
But hang on, Wait!
You wanted me to love you,
Now you’ve cast me aside,
You’ve done this before,
You destroyed my pride!
You have done this to many,
You’ve not met face to face,
But your part of my family,
In you I trusted and adored!
But Vampires have no true feelings,
Love they can only take,
You drained me of everything,
I almost lost my faith.
Unknown "Sweetie pie" Inspired
- 17 years, 3 days ago