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"Jen'z Chomi3"
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Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
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| Herds (lead): | fOoD and cHoCoLaTe LoVeRs!!! <3 | Herds: | VIP - Very Important Pets, Scop the thumb, *~~~ Thumb ALL! ~~~*, ~~~~~*.Evolution.*~~~~~, ~~~*HOLIDAY SEASONS*~~~, ~~For Hungry People~~, *thumboholic*, <(^oo^)>, Thumb Dat Ass!! =P, Demon Hearts, ~ThuMbS~, ÂsA~**ásÌAnS Ín SÔütH AfRÍcÂ**, ☆`αsιαиs 'я' υs ☆ `©, i ♥thuMbs, * Playboy lovers *, [~*MuSiC iS mY LiFe*~] | |
Unknown's tales
maths shud just fuck itself! I HATE IT!!ARGH!!!!!! T_____T wana cry!!!! :(
Unknown "Jen'z Chomi3" Hopeless
- 16 years, 9 months, 23 days ago
yay XD got a new wide screen monitor XD but sigh..=_= my dad gets to have it on his side... which i dont use often but at least i get the other one which is not as crappy as the old fashion monitors which was kak small so i gues i cant complain woot XD
Unknown "Jen'z Chomi3" Hopeless
- 16 years, 10 months ago
hAPpy foUR moNTHS :D <3 <3 <3 missing youuuu sooo muchh T___T mwahz~ xoxo
Unknown "Jen'z Chomi3" Hopeless
- 16 years, 10 months, 1 day ago
*sigh*. . . . feeling soooo kak these days. . . T_T duno wats wrong wif me. . . and no one can help me. . . duno wat to say. . duno wat to do. . lost in my own world?? siiigh. . just wana get outa this place and find a place of where i belong. . aiii. . need to find my way back . . . "home" so lost. . T_____T
Unknown "Jen'z Chomi3" Hopeless
- 16 years, 10 months, 5 days ago
stole this from someone's profile xD just thot all guys shud read it haha xD [[click to enlarge]] sigh..howcome i never get to upload the stuff in readable size?! >_<
Unknown "Jen'z Chomi3" Hopeless
- 16 years, 10 months, 9 days ago
rANdoM sTOrE xD
glitter-graphics.comღ ITEMS IN STORE ღ #1. ♥ sweet love ♥  #2. ♥ get well soon babez ♥  #3. choc chip cookies ♥  #4. ★i own you★ #5. P.S : i miss you♥ #6. ♥huuuge hug♥ #7. ♥mwa mwa mwa♥ #8. ღ peek a BOO! ღ #9. you're cute! ♥ #10. ♥delicious chocolates♥ #11. ♥hot chocolate♥ #12. ♥♥i love you♥♥ #13. ♥i love my pet♥ #14. ♫ la la la ♫ #15. mwah! ♥♥♥ #16. ★ guud night sweet dreams ★ #17. hope you get better soon (^o^) #18. ★lets dance ;) #19. ★ thumbed ya ;) #20. ★you rock★ #21. ★hot chocolate&marshmellow #22. ♥suprise kiss♥ #23. ღ cookies ღ #24. blah blah blah #25. love ♥♥♥ #26. stealing your pet #27. ♥cute desserts♥ #28. ★best friends =D #29. ♥♥mid night kiss♥♥ #30. ღyummy cupcakesღ #31. ♥1,000 hugs!!♥ #32. you're an angel♥ #33. ★monkey faced coffee★ #34. rawr! i love YOU! ♥ #35. you are so BEAUTIFUL to ME ♥
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