Did you all see???? I am protected 24-7 !! Luckily no one has tried to kidnap me of late, I am still getting lots of attention though.
Unknown "Frisky Feline" Inspired
- 17 years, 7 days ago
Janet finally paid my ransom only for me to be kidnapped again. she did give me a little friend though. My own little kitten to protect me ... so sweet, like my own little cub. Alas, even my roaring kitty couldn't save me. However, more love has been shown .... I adore pats.
Unknown "Frisky Feline" Inspired
- 17 years, 23 days ago
Well ... much luv has been shown. I'm left alone for half a day and people have gone crazy. Petting me -much thanks I love a good rub, but alas, I have been kidnapped and then kidnapped from the kidnappers, it's all a whirl. This new kidnapper does have some positive attributes though, attractive, funny, .... Oh no! ... am I developing Stockholm's syndrome! What would janet think!
Unknown "Frisky Feline" Inspired
- 17 years, 24 days ago