Hey David I hope you had an awesome day today. I ended up taking the 1:37 and now my CD's are all gone. Haha, and my two cousins and sis were already in town so I got to muck around with them in the Botanical Gardens -- was great! Oooo, and that info session is tomorrow I hope it turns out alright and it's not a waste of time...
- 16 years, 9 months, 7 days ago
HP is back!!! I guess the administrator got in trouble for allowing people to upload porno freely. Mmmm... my parents are making lasajun. Garlic heaven! Basically, it's just a pot of finely chopped garlic with oil and paprika -- you can put it on anything! Also, I'm hoping mum will do the same with all the chilli she bought. Gaaagh!! I love that stuff! So stinky... so yummy...
- 16 years, 10 months, 9 days ago