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"Skews Me"

Unknown, 55/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:12:10 AM
Join date:16 years, 9 months, 21 days ago
Location: Seattle, Washington United States

"Skews Me Collective of the Arcane"
About me:
Mind Control researcher --

Zeitgeist (Part I (1 of 3))
About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Unspecified
Herds: Guinness Pint Appreciation Herd

"rate my boxers"
1103 pts

650 pts
431 pts

" ☆Stlyz"
70 pts

"Gamblin' Man"
50 pts

"Im Gumby dammit"
50 pts

"Tummy Rubs"
50 pts

50 pts
Unknown's tales
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What a beautiful landscape for a Rorschach inkblot test:,11.123657&spn=2.0452,3.823242&t=k&z=8

To me it looks like a huge witch of a pathetic Donald Duck of a North America standing on an archaic cartoon caricature of an African man blowin' on a spliff while his forehead's a bong.

South America is standing them upright, and Guinea Pigs native to that region are being fed back over from the Far East who believe they've scored a victory.

Meanwhile, there's some catty island staring down a sickly Pacific Northwest Seahawk whose grimacing posture is shooting back at the Far East.

On the Seahawk's back is riding a rascally rabbit shoving some heart into a pervert doing what now looks like a drunken bald Congressman with big ears.

Back to the Donald Duck imagery: it's blowing a feather at Marge Simpson holding a Leprechaun who's teaching its pet bat to get off the ground.

I see so many more faces and animal shapes I could go on forever.
Unknown "Skews Me" Loyal - 16 years, 2 months, 7 days ago
One day they tell us we have only five senses while criticizing non-believers. Another day they tell us the universe revolves around the Pope while persecuting non-believers. On still another they try to pass off some ancient astrology stories passed down from the ancients as new dogma while warring with non-believers. Of course flying saucers can't possibly exist. And now they have most people convinced nothing travels faster than the speed of light while laughing at non-believers. Oh, and there were also those $600 economic stimulus checks that did more to help China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia than our American economy.

"God doesn't play dice" is what Einstein said to rationalize what were thought to be "hidden variables" involved in the "spooky action at a distance" effect of what is known as the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (or EPR) paradox:

Certain phenomena in quantum mechanics, such as quantum entanglement, appear to transmit information faster than light. According to the No-communication theorem these phenomena do not allow true communication; they only let two observers in different locations see the same event simultaneously, without any way of controlling what either sees. [ ]

Additional information regarding faster than light speeds are also presented at the preceding link. Recently, nanotechnology has more than doubled what is considered to be the speed of light in a vacuum:

Spherically-shaped nanoparticles, the shape used almost exclusively in early research, provide narrow bandwidths of light. As Markel and Govyadinov discovered, shaping the particles as prolate, cigar-shaped or oblate, saucer-shaped, spheroids boosted the velocities of surface plasmon pulses reflecting off the surface to 2.5 times the speed of light in a vacuum. [ ]

If you're curious about UFOs, I've collected a couple videos of NASA reports of them including amazing footage during the 1996 "tether incident" as well as information regarding a man who built a flying saucer using what is basically -- though he chooses not to call it such -- a free energy device at my page. There's also a video there showing Nazi schematics of UFOs.

There's more to life than meets the eye, and even the "All-Seeing Eye" can't keep up with what every one of its tentacles is doing at any given moment. In a rapidly changing dynamic world, what may be true today may be proven false tomorrow.

I'll admit it gets frustrating trying to research subjects that most people know nothing (or think they know everything) about, but I've discovered the harder I work to find arcane knowledge, the easier it becomes to find it. So I keep researching "cause knowledge is power!" as those Schoolhouse Rock commercials informed us.

On that note, in 2005 NASA announced the elusive Planet X -- calling it 2003 UB313 -- that the ancient Sumerians recorded that aliens told them about and whose return to parigee in our neck of the woods coinciding with 2012 was apparently recorded by the ancient Mayans as the end of their calendar which I've read accurately predicted to the day the arrival of the Spaniards.

I try to tell friends that life is a game: a sick and twisted game, but a game nonetheless that most people don't seem to know the rules of as evidenced by so many questions relating to "what is the meaning of life?"

One quick way to tell if someone has any concept of the rules is to test if they practice what I call "emotional reactionism" versus "reactionary emotionalism" where a delicate balance between the two is ideal. I picture one of those pendulum clackers that were so popular some years back as a tool to help describe the effects of runaway extremes.

Unknown "Skews Me" Loyal - 16 years, 2 months, 21 days ago
After watching a South Park episode last night about genetically engineered turkeys I decided to watch today the movie "Boys from Brazil" about human cloning that I've had checked out from the library for a week which has great video of the cloning process.

Right after "Boys from Brazil" I flipped television stations to stop on CBS and soon after I just now discovered it's a repeat of the pilot episode of the new television series "11th Hour" about human cloning in Seattle and my hometown of Bainbridge Island which was a top secret spy base during World War Two.

In case you don't know, Dolly the sheep was kept quiet in the news for a full year until just a matter of hours after I spoke with a career Department of Defense employee about my cloning research. The mean man kindly listened to my research over dinner but flatly refused to let me tell him about my brain implant research.
Unknown "Skews Me" Loyal - 16 years, 3 months, 10 days ago
A is for Angels that fly through the sky
B is for Barium from chemtrails so high
C is for Cadmium exploding our phones
D is for Dentures instead of our bones
E is for Everything all messed up today
F is Forgiveness to wash it away
G is for Giving a damn, why? don't you know?
that H is for Heaven where we're never alone

I is for Intel from so-cia-ty
J, Just in case, 'cause there's much blasphemy
K we're just Kidding be it no one is free
that what the heLL evils and demons there'LL be

M is for Mister instead of a rank
('cause lowly ole privates get wedged into tanks)
N I can't stand that word over the air
O sure why not (expletive deleted) beware:
P, it still "trickles down"... "just say no"... why?
'cause Q the Queen oh so powerful, aged,... claims wise

"Rrrr" grumble pirates in movies so much
While Significant other(S) are Too often a buTT
T is for Two, Three, and Ten; Tip: iT's far more Than TwenTy
That UV rays bomb your skin and man you look scrawny

Where may you ask double u paired bush with the birds?
do please first ask X-rays of me before culling the herds
Y we must wander this world making gross turds
when Zzz's are for counting sheep, ball stats, and oft girds

AA, just another step, I've run out of plain letters
while surely my cat BB is dreading the weather
CC this to everyone and gimme some skin
I'm seeking some fusion but don't know where to begin
aDD a picture or music or even a book
I had lots of fun writing it so please do take a look

Unknown "Skews Me" Loyal - 16 years, 3 months, 19 days ago
Several weeks ago I had a dream where I was watching on television a David Bowie video "Dancing on the Ceiling" which was quite entertaining with both the music and imagery.
Unknown "Skews Me" Loyal - 16 years, 4 months, 18 days ago
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UMMM thanks for the letter but way tooooooooooo much to read
Unknown "†GothiKa†" Merry Xmas - 16 years, 2 months, 21 days ago

You have been given a good morning.
Crafted by Marina Metaxa
Zmaya "Mala twin" *BuAhahAhaH* - 16 years, 4 months, 17 days ago

You have been given RFID Implants.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Yawree" Hurt - 16 years, 5 months, 1 day ago

You have been given don't upset the bunny.
Crafted by Kazzi Bunny
Unknown "StarryNightQueen" Growling - 16 years, 5 months, 14 days ago

You have been given Just leaving my mark .
Crafted by Pam Dare
Mandy "Cupcake" Ecstatic - 16 years, 5 months, 14 days ago

You have been given a fire spirit.
Crafted by Alexander Graesser
Unknown "Yawree" Hurt - 16 years, 5 months, 24 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Collective of the Arcane

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It's over there!
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