“This tree has history.” says the bald man. He stands at six feet with a shaven head. His black faded jeans hugging his fit legs and hips. The white dress shirt also touching his body at the right spots making him leave a well toned frame. “Do you want to hear the story?”.
“Yes, I would love to hear it.” the voice that answers comes from a young woman, looking no more than 21. Her blonde hair spilling over her shoulders framing her pale face. Her blue eyes intensely looking at the sunset from the place she is sitting under the tree. “ doesn’t hurt anymore.”
“It never will again. Now, the young one in this story was barely 40, inexperienced and just released in to the world on his own. He met someone, he thought he would...”
The woman stands under the tree awaiting him once more. The cold air making her body shiver. The corset she wears tight on her torso making her bosom heave with every breath. She can only think about him, his hands, his eyes, his voice. The sun just finished setting in the horizon and she knows he will be here soon. Her skirts making flowing as a light wind blows from the east making the flesh in her arms and her shoulders become covered in goose bumps. She closer her eyes as steels herself for what is to happen tonight.
“It is cold my dear. Did you forget your cloak?” The man that comes up the hill toward her is an impressive Spaniard man with his black curls spilling over his shoulders. The vest he wears complimenting his fit frame, not that of a farm worker more that of a delist. His green eyes looking up at her shiver in the cold evening and thinks of his feeling for her and that this moment is more special to him than anything.
“I hoped you could warm me tonight.”, she turns to him and smiles. He begins to take off his coat and throws it on the ground next to her.
“As you wish.” She opens her arms and wraps them around him and he pills her as close as he can physically hold her. His body warm against hers and his lips begin to explore her neck. He can fell her pulse under his lips and kisses where her artery is. “My dearest you heart beats strangely tonight. Is something the matter?”
“I can never lie to you.” the voice comes from her muffled on his neck.
“I would hope you wouldn’t.” he pulls her closer feeling the need to protect himself as if in a fight.
“I wish to never see you again.” the words sound rehearsed, almost vomited as she melts in to his embrace deeper than before.
“I... I...” he can hear the sobs lightly coming for her in his arms and he pushes her away. He tries to say something, but the tears rolling from her eyes stop him. The stabbing feeling going through his heart and it leaves him speechless.
“This is a wonderful thing we have Cornelius, but it must end before it ends in heartache.” She turns from him and faces away so that he may not see anymore of her tears. In actuality she just didn’t want to see his face anymore or she would not be able to leave. He comes up from behind her and wraps his arms around her, pulls her close in to him and she can’t help but melt under his strong embrace.
“Why? My love I thought we had something special, I can’t see this end. I... I love you.”
“I do as well Cornelius, but do we have a future? Can you see us, this forever?”
“I can.” he begins to kiss her neck as he holds her in his arms and he can feel her shudder.
“No, you can’t, you have hope and that is not the same. Please you must let me go.” he pushes her and turns her to him and looks in her eyes with mild anger.
“Why, why must I let you go? I love you I never thought I could feel this anymore. I need this.” he looks down to the ground with his hands still on her shoulders. “I refuse to let you go.”
“Cornelius, you are not real to me. We meet in the night and we have our trysts, yes this is wonderful, but this is not a life. It is affecting my real life.” She pulls away and begins to walk away.
“No.” he runs around to her with a grace that cannot be considered normal. “I refuse to see you go. He is a boorish lout that treats you miserably. I love you, I fulfill you, I want to hold you, I want you for me.” he comes closer to her and places his hands on her shoulders, his lips then brush with her left eye and then her right. “Don’t go.”
She is stupefied. She needs to leave, but is unable to, she does not want to. “I have to, we have no future, half a life of darkness, you’re a monster and I have to see you as that.”, she pulls away and walks backwards towards the tree. “You are a monster, you exist only in the night, he can give a full life, he does give me a full life. He adores me, you excite me, I cannot do that to him any longer.”
His eyes now well up with tears, as it falls down his cheek, it is not clear as it should be, but crimson, blood. “Tell me does he give you what you want? Does he tell you what you want to hear? Does he make you feel like nothing can be done? Does he make you feel like when you’re here? Tell me ” He walks with her keeping her pace. “Half a life, I will figure out how to stand in the sun for you without pain, I will be with you forever, please, don’t walk away from me.”
“Cornelius, I love him. I married him. You wont be able to walk in the sunlight for me, and you cant be with me forever. Life just didn’t mean it that way. We can’t always have what we want.” She stops and walks in to his arms. “I do love you.” She escapes from his embrace and runs from him. He thinks to himself, he should follow her, he should touch her, he should... let her go. She was his beloved, after turning in to this, he never though he would feel love, he did, never thought he’d feel heart break, he did. He let’s his aura extend from himself, his pain, his frustration and they touch the tree, the pain affects the tree almost as if making it cry, and he is slowly showered in apple blossoms.
“That was sad. He just let her go?” The blonde asks him from her spot under the tree.
“He let her go, walked away, but never forgot, never stopped loving her. He even lept his promise and that is what I taught you, the sun can’t hurt you anymore.” He turns to her and looks at her with his green eyes. “Lets go.”
“He actually loved her and walked away? Dorian what was the point of that story.”
“I just felt like telling it. Apple trees remind me of that story.”
“Dorian, I have a question.”, she says as she stands from under the tree.
“Yes.” he says as he walks to her. His body moving with a catlike grace that in itself is enticing to the eye.
“Were you not once called Cornelius.”
Unknown "My love" Loyal
- 16 years, 11 months, 14 days ago