So... I joined the Army National Guard on the day after my 17th birthday. I spent my birthday on the air force Base 9-11, met some really awesome people and the next day... signed and swore into the military.
Here we are just a little over a month later and I had my first drill. I was nervous as hell because the Sergeants are very intimidating people. That fear gets shaken off very quickly. Friday after school, I packed my bags and went to the office. Followed some orders, got my gear, did some pt... then sat in a classroom the rest of the evening.
I was PG for most of the weekend which is an honor for anyone, did so well on my pt text that I got chosen for as an alternative for the Warrior Weekend, and almost got a perfect on my RSP red phase text. I'M EFFING STOKED BEYOND ALL REASON!! Next month (if I'm lucky) I get to be a squad leader in white phase.
The RME's aren't horrible... Thanks to one of the Privates in my command I got to find out first hand. Aside from that, the whole thing was a great experience. Next month is my second and my final drill before BCT. I'm shipped June 9th.
That about covers my little adventure. As for the military life... I love it so far.
Unknown Ferocious
- 16 years, 11 months, 1 day ago