Winter, for some reason, always feels so bleak and depressing. This was written to stave off those feelings.
I'll Do My Best
Love, walk with me and I'll do my best
To show you the beauty of this world -
Take my hand and I'll guide you passed
The roses, tulips, and pogonias of
This, our lovely asphalt garden.
Sweetheart, I'll do my best.
Lord knows you've spent enough nights
Alone, wondering, and lost,
But I swear I'll do my best.
See, there's beauty in all of this;
The symphony of sirens in the night,
Singing screeches 'round the corner
To selflessly save another life.
They, our Angels - in uniform.
Darling, I'll do my best.
Lord knows it's hard to see it,
But there's plenty worth smiling for.
And I'm gonna do my best.
Cause when you look at it all -
And you've got love in your heart -
Nothing's quite so bad; the sun rises
In joyous colour; birds chirp and chatter
Their merry tunes - If you're just
Filled up on love.
So I'll do my best.
Lord knows you deserve it,
I'll give you all the love I've got.
Darling, I'll do my best.
If there ain't enough love in you
To make the world look perfect,
Then, darling, I'll keep on giving
All the love that's in me.
Yeah, I'll do my best.
Lord knows I'm overflowing with it;
I'll give enough to fill your heart up,
So you can just keep on smiling.
Love, I'll do my best.
Ryan "Mine <3"
- 14 years, 2 months, 7 days ago