there once lived two men, one who worked hard to get money and one who worked just hard enough to feed his family. before i go on please tell me what man you are (or woman), the one who worked hard to get money bought a manshion, and servents, and anything he wanted, drugs, women everything. one day he had a son, but since he was too busy with work, he never really saw his son, his son had everything, the best schools the best partys, the coolest stuff, cool cars. they never really did see eachother but at least they had there money. then theres the man that just worked hard enough had money to feed his kids and put a home over there heads, he had a wife and kids, not alot of luxorys they didnt even have a tv, they would tell stories and talk about what eachother did during the day, they would turn to grampa and listen to the lessons he had learned and the guidence of the old. they had eachother. one faithful day happened were, "money" was no longer of good, paper the people used to buy things was now used to start fires up to keep warm, the man who worked for nothing but money killed himself, his son who didnt know how to do anything was lost to wonder the streets as a begger, the man who had only enough didnt see much of a change, his kids all grew up to be leaders of there villeges, the reason for this is cause they knew how to live with out the paper called money, they were ready for this down fall. i ask you again what man are you???
Unknown "Missing Pet" Peaceful
- 17 years, 26 days ago
And we dance, yes we dance, everyone take off your pants, cause we dance, lol im being silly
Unknown "Missing Pet" Peaceful
- 17 years, 1 month, 9 days ago
" When all the world recognizes beauty as beauty, this in itself is ugliness. When all the world recognizes good as good, this in itself is evil. Indeed, the hidden and the manifest give birth to each other. Difficult and easy complement each other. Long and short exhibit each other. High and low set measure to each other. Voice and sound harmonize each other. Back and front follow each other. Therefore, the sage manages his affairs without ado, And spreads his teaching without talking. He denies nothing to the teeming things. He rears them, but lays no claim to them. He dose his work, but sets no store by it. He accomplishes his task, but does not dwell upon it. And yet it is just because he does not dwell on it that nobody can ever take it away from him."-Tao Te Ching (2)
Unknown "Missing Pet" Peaceful
- 17 years, 1 month, 14 days ago
thumbe everyone please
Unknown "Missing Pet" Peaceful
- 17 years, 1 month, 15 days ago
i once asked a sleeping man why he always slept, with a smile he calmly said, "why must you ask?" i then asked a runner why he always runs, with a winded smile he said,"why must you ask?" as i sit to meditate on what i have learned, a young boy looks at me and wants to know why i meditate, with a happy smile, i look down at the boy and say, "so you have a question to ask me."
Unknown "Missing Pet" Peaceful
- 17 years, 2 months, 10 days ago