how you hun... long time no see hehe
my intenets been screwing around and ive got no credit on my phone
i suuuuxxxxx
anyw ays just wanted 2 say hey
love yooouu
- 17 years, 2 months, 1 day ago
Awww.. Maybe you should smack them in the mouth :P tehehe I'd seriously drive down just to watch that *gigglefit* well i've just finished teaching my mum how to use a computer, she knows practically nothing, so shes taking evening sessions, and I teach her more so she can be the teachers pet for the next session. So today I set her up an email, taught her how to send an email, add contacts, and even talk to me on MSN was wierd lol. she types so painfully slow...
Good girl for doing your coursework lol. I only have 2 courseworks and both are due in June lol.
Anyway I think I might go to bed...
Have a good day tomorrow, speak to u soon
ly xxxx
- 17 years, 2 months, 2 days ago
Hey Baby! :)
just wanted to say i love you :)
"old account :/"Playful
- 17 years, 2 months, 4 days ago