um i use to do baton twirling and i have been twilring forever.. but i only started with fire twirlig and poi in december 2006... i should put up some videos or something ay
"mon étoile NFS"Rabid
- 17 years, 18 days ago
oh that sounds fun.. i do staff and GLOW poi. i am too chicken to light them on fire yet... i am getting there though... one day i will be poi extraordinaire!!
"mon étoile NFS"Rabid
- 17 years, 19 days ago
yes that is me.. do you twirl?
"mon étoile NFS"Rabid
- 17 years, 21 days ago
Yeah not too bad. Not too bad. Haven't felt the best lately, but DnD and Tennis on friday was good. Richie's birthday was yesterday so we had a night out. Nothing really new.
WoD? remind me :p
"secret superhero"Hopeless
- 17 years, 22 days ago
Anyways how you been man? Still playing Oblivion? Played Eberron campaign setting for DnD 3rd edition? I just started a campaign friday...looooooooong night- up til 5am :P I'm level 3 druid shifter now :D
"secret superhero"Hopeless
- 17 years, 22 days ago
Haha Just once more then I'll let you Keep Aimie for a while after that :P
"secret superhero"Hopeless
- 17 years, 22 days ago