The impish monkey climbed all the way to the top of the tree and sat to look down below on the newcomers.. She then thought to herself.. "They cannot see me so they too shall pass on without ever knowing of the beauty above them." She hurriedly decided (without thinking unfortunately) to jump on one of the passers-by. It was a man. A tall, tone, intense-eyed beautiful piece of man. The monkey sighed as she looked into his eyes, wishing she too were human. She spoke to him while massaging one hand on his hair and the other hand gently touching his face, with her legs wrapped around his waist, "I'd like to wrap my arms around you, press my lips to yours and love you until the end of time. I'll do all you wish.. you have but to command me my lord." Alas all the man heard with the monkey draped around his neck like a cheap toy was "ooh ooh ahh ahh" and various other monkey noises. He spoke aloud to the group with him, "such a fine specimen of a monkey, let's take uh... [he checked the monkey out to determine its sex] her! ...back to the animal shelter up the road and drop her off there!" And then began the monkey's life of being thrown around from human to human as they traded her like a bag of sugar. ;) The monkey thought to herself as she sat in her cage, "alas I could have stayed in that tree but just for one look at his charming face was worth the life I now lead. His eyes shall haunt my ever-present dreams and perhaps one day I shall meet again my master for a moment."
Unknown "Sugar Plum" Content
- 17 years, 2 months, 2 days ago